Chapter 10

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"This is the Isle of Woman that I've heard rumors about." Cole started as he fixed the red headband on his head. The other males gathered around him as they readied for his tale. "I heard that any man who enters gets turned to stone and is never heard from again..." He paused, looking dramatically around at the faces of his crew mates, searching for any fear in his group's eyes. His eyes found none, meeting only shadows casted by the stupid hats they all wore. Why did so many of them have hats anyway? Headbands were cooler. He turned towards Uni, the only other one in the group without a hat, though he had a long turtleneck that covered every part of his face except for his eyes. "Ya my only friend here!"

Uni glanced at the other in confusion, "What happened to the story?" He asked, though his question was left unanswered as no one heard his question through the thick turtleneck around his mouth.

"Forget him! We're lying next to the Kuja Pirates!" A lone voice cried, drawing the attention towards him. He folded his arms across his puffed chest. A fierce scowl on his face. "The Kuja Pirates are nothing but women... and they smelled great!" The frown melted into a perverse grin. While he hadn't been successful in spending any close personal one-on-one with the Kuja Pirates in the two days they had been stationed here, he did get close enough to catch a whiff of them when the wind blew just right.

"I want to peek in this dream country filled with women!" Shachi sighed dreamingly as he gathered at the borders of the cloth division that the Kuja Pirates had put up. The barrier bore the mark of the Kuja Pirates and it marked the very limited space that they were given. Normally, males were not allowed to set foot on Amazon Lily, but the empress had made an exception for them as a thanks for assisting and saving Luffy's life.

"You'll die, your idiot!" Penguin scolded, although his tone was light, and his face was flushed red in anticipation as well. It looked as if the best friend would rather go with his fellow mechanic and risk their lives for a peek than stay on the boring sector of the island they were given.

"Do you think there are any female bears?" Bepo questioned from behind the two daydreamers.

"IT'S THE ISLE OF WOMEN!" The two shouted to their easily defeated crew pet.

"I'm sorry..." Bepo responded instantly.

"I wish it's already lunch time." Shachi sighed as he sat down. The section of the island they were restricted only held man and an easily defeated bear. Except for three times of the day when the Kuja warriors would bring them their daily rations.


"This place wouldn't be filled with only men then." Shachi explained with a groan.

"This place isn't only filled with woman. There's still Charlotte." Bepo reminded easily and the group rounded on him quickly, causing him to apologize yet again.

Penguin leaned back, hands folding behind his head and eyes landing on their yellow submarine. "If only she'd ever come out of the sub to join us." Their newest member was elusive and aloof to say the least. The only one she opened up to was Bepo who she had mistaken as the crew's pet, and mostly for cuddles.

"She comes when there's food." Bepo reminded lightly.

"That's why I wish it's already lunch time." Shachi sighed once more.

Penguin turned towards the submarine. "What do you think she does in there all day?" He asked to no one in particular. They had tried to be friendly and get to know their newest recruit, but unlike Jean Bart, she always had a wall up. She ate with them during the meals, and while it looked like she was listening, she was always a distance away. When they tried chatting with her, she would only respond with the bare minimum if it wasn't about her. As soon as the topic shifted to her, she would clam up or reply with a simple, "Do I have to answer?" before leaving.

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