Chapter Forty-One

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It was the following day and Atlas was fine. It was only his shoulder. They knew whoever did it, purposely did not kill him and instead it was a warning. Atlas told him he didn't see anyone when he opened the door. Whoever threw the knife did it from a distance, but they don't now how they got past security. Levi was furious that they did. He was immediately calling Christopher Crudes to complain about his men. Crudes was on the receiving end of the phone call in a panic. He did not want to piss if Levi King, but it was too late. Levi was done trying to keep it low and focusing on making allies here. He wanted vengeance. Nobody threatens his family, especially in his own home.

Even though Atlas was okay, Aurora had him on bed duty. Except he wouldn't stay in bed, so she settled for the library instead. He was lying on one of the couches, reading a book. Aurora was sitting in front of the roaring fire, watching him like a hawk. He tried to assure her many times that he was okay, but to no avail. Aurora was used to her brothers coming home, battered and wounded, but every time she would still fuss over them. Some of them lap it up, like Elijah. He would milk it and play the injured card for as long as he could. But others like Atlas hated seeing her tormented over him.

"I'm not going to drop dead, Aurora" Atlas spoke up, not even needing looking up from his book to know she was watching him, he could feel her stare. Synn was sitting on a chair opposite Atlas. Levi was even more keen on him being with her at all times now more than ever, not that Synn minded, he was going to watch her like a fucking hawk. He was so conscious of her every move now. He tried not to ponder over how it could have been her to answer the door that time. He knew this was his fault. Well, he didn't know for sure, but he had a feeling this was his boss sending him a message. Telling him to hurry up. The guilt was eating him away as he sat there, quiet.

So there he sat, watching Aurora as she worried for her brother. He didn't want to admit, but he was jealous of the attention. She had barely even spoken to him, too caught up on Atlas. It was a huge difference compared the the constant nagging and comments that he was used to when he was with her.

"I should probably change your bandages again" Aurora ignored his comment, standing up from her position and going to get the medical kit again.

"You changed them not even and hour ago" Atlas said incredulously, dropping the book into his lap.

"I don't want to risk an infection" She dismissed him, as she walked past and headed for the door. Synn sighed and stood up to follow her. Atlas grabbed his arm as he walked past him, causing Synn to look down at him.

"Don't let her come back in here with bandages" Atlas said seriously, though light heartedly. Synn nodded understandingly and left after her. He entered the utility room, where most of they kept all their medical supply. Aurora was standing on her tippy toes, getting the box down from one of the presses. She was wearing one of her short pretty dresses, which inevitable rode up as she reached above her head. Synn pursed his lips and looked away. When she dropped back down onto her heels with the box in hand, Synn stepped up behind her, grabbing the box and putting it back in the press, except on the top shelf this time so she couldn't reach it. Before she could snap at him, he grabbed her by the waist, sitting her up on the wooden counter in front of them and came to stand between her legs.

"He's okay, Aurora" He said quietly, looking down at her. Auroras breath was caught in her throat for a moment as she looked down to her legs, seeing how close he was. She was avoiding looking at him, and he didn't like it. There was something else bothering her. Synn waited for any sort of response but she remained looking down and fiddling with her fingers. He couldn't help but grow slightly annoyed at this, but he reeled it in, knowing to was just his anger getting to him. Instead he letter her chin up with her finger, forcing her to meet his eyes. They danced with a turmoil of negative emotions that he wasn't used to seeing in her pools of blue and gold orbs.

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