Chapter 6

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TW: Death, birth (not detailed)

Y/N woke to the feeling of something gently caressing her cheek. Like the kiss of spring that follows the chilly winter air, or like a fawn gently liking the ground as it searched for salt. Her eyes slowly blinked open and she stared up at the sky above her. She stared at it silently for a moment, her eyes fluttering between open and shut as blurred lights danced across her vision. But as her sight began to clear, a gentle smile crept onto her lips.


Y/N felt a hand resting on her shoulder and turned to see Aurora crouched beside her. Y/N had expected to see a look of fear, perhaps even terror on Aurora's face, but instead, she saw only a brief worry. She should have known better than to doubt the princess' wonder.

"Are you all right," Aurora asked as Y/N pushed herself up.

"Of course I am, little one," Y/N said. She noticed that a strand of Aurora's hair had fallen in front of her ear and she reached up to tuck it out of sight. Then, she got to her feet, summoning her staff to her side as she did.

Before the two was the beauty of the Moors. A world bathed in ethereal lights of violet and indigo, accompanied by the lights of the fair folk. Fairies danced across the surface of the lake, the hulking masses of tree beasts lumbered beyond the far shore, and a small group of wallerbogs lingered near the shore, though still hidden behind a grove of trees. Every one of the magical creatures could sense the lack of magic in Aurora's blood, and after fearing their king for the past sixteen years, there was even less trust in their hearts for humans.

"Godmother," Aurora asked, "what is this place?"

"This is the Moors, little one," Y/N answered. "A place of magic. The place that lies beyond the wall of thorns." She set her staff aside and placed one hand on Aurora's back, leading her towards the edge of the lake, where the water met the land. With her other hand, she cast out blue twinkling magic that floated like ribbons on the wind, stretching across the lake.

When they noticed the presence of the enchantress, the fairies began to move closer to where they stood. Six of the lake sprites flew over to Y/N and Aurora, dancing around them with their twinkling magic. Aurora laughed and stretched out her hand to greet them. One of the fairies, bolder and braver than the rest, floated up and gently set its hand on hers.

"It's beautiful," Aurora whispered, her eyes aglow with the light of the fairy.

But suddenly, something caught the fairy's eye and they flew off, squeaking and squealing as their bright blue glow faded. Aurora turned away from the beauty of the Moors and stared into the dark shadows behind the throne. The throne of twisted brambles and branches. Y/N let out a near-silent sigh as she stared at the twisted architecture. There had never been a need for a king or queen of the Moors, but after Stefan's betrayal, Maleficent had named himself the king. She bent down and picked up her staff again, holding it close as she watched Aurora.

"I know you're there," Aurora said, taking a bold step closer to the darkness. Y/N made no move to stop her. Instead, the enchantress remained at the edge of the lake, both hands holding her staff. She was curious. She had not foreseen that Maleficent would allow the human girl into the Moors. She did not know why he had decided to, or what he would do now that Aurora seemed aware of his presence.

"Don't be afraid." Aurora took another step closer.

Y/N could hear the rumbling of Maleficent's laugh. No louder than a soft chuckle, but it shook the ground as though he were a giant, shaking the Moors with his laugh.

"I am not afraid," he said.

"Then come out," Aurora said, a small smile blossoming on her rosy cheeks. She turned to her fairy godmother for reassurance and Y/N nodded.

Healing the Heart [Disney Maleficent]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora