part 2: holding on

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Everyday it feels like I'm holding onto something that isn't there. Everyday I'm fighting with myself over if I should live or die at this point only certain people are keeping me from dying.

If I could I would live in the anime world because at least I would feel like I belong somewhere rather than being an outcast.

I would live in the anime world of Bungo stray dogs or sk8 the infinity those two animes I feel like I would fit in perfectly.

I wouldn't be judged or anything because I'm not normal or because I don't like wearing bright colors.

I wonder what my sister would say or think if she was alive and saw me in this mindset she'd be disappointed sure but, I'm also positive she would hug me until I stopped crying.

I wish she was alive she was my best friend and sometimes I feel lost because I don't know what to without her here, she'd always give me great advice but, now I feel lost and I don't think I'll be found.

My sister always understood that I wasn't like the rest of the family, she understood that I liked being alone sometimes, she even understood that I didn't like school dances and that I was more into the sports.

She understands that I only went to dances and wore girly clothes to make my foster mom happy.

My sister always understood me and never judged me.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2022 ⏰

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