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The party was loud when Percy arrived.

    He could barely hear himself think as he pushed through the thick crowds of people, a couple of his friends trailing behind him.

    The house was huge. He didn't know whose house it was. All he knew was that his sister was in it, somewhere. He found her in the kitchen, with a couple of her friends, taking shots of white rum with a group of tall guys who were obviously off their balls on some kinda drug.

    "Star," Percy said, his voice growling low in his throat.

    She looked up, her eyes going wide. "Percy!" she spluttered, swaying slightly on her feet as she moved toward him. "Will you stop following me? I've been to three different parties tonight, and-"

    "That's why I'm following you," Percy said, grabbing her arm in a tight grip. "I know what you're doing."

    She lifted the shot glass to her mouth, swallowing it in one gulp, then looked him right in the eyes. "What am I doing, Percy?"

    Percy sighed. Here we go.

    A video of the fight between him and Asa had gotten out onto the internet, being shared between the locals and a few neighboring towns. Asa wasn't well known, but some people remembered her from their days in high school, a decade ago. Percy, on the other hand, was known. Not popular, per say, but he was known to be involved in street fighting, but more importantly, he was Star's brother.

    Star was the real popular one. She'd been popular in high school, and was now popular in college. She'd had the opportunity to go to a school in a different state, but she'd refused, staying in the same town as...Asa. Even though she hadn't seen her in three years. Star was wanted by most of the guys in college, and almost all of the lesbians.

    But she always ended up breaking hearts.

    Ever since Asa had left her, she hadn't fallen in love, and she'd basically resorted to alcoholism. Her partying went off the charts.

    But Percy knew she'd seen the video of Asa. And she'd heard the rumors that Asa was friends with someone who was hosting a party tonight. So she'd been hitting all the party houses she knew of, hoping to maybe run into her.

    It'd been the first she'd heard of Asa in three years.

    Percy was to blame for that, of course. But it was necessary in his eyes. Asa was a parasite, and he intended to keep them separated, no matter what.

    Star would get over it...right?

    "You're trying to find that piece of shit," he hissed quietly, glaring down at her, his grip tightening on her arm with every second.

    "Let go of me, asshole," she said, yanking away from him. "Asa isn't a piece of shit, either. And I'm not looking for her, so leave me alone."

    She's lying, she's lying, she's lying.

    Percy snarled in annoyance, blocking her path back into the kitchen. "If you're out here, I'm staying with you. Otherwise, I will drag you out of that door, claiming you're on some shit and I need to take you home to rest. People will definitely be videoing that."

    "You think I care?" Star tossed over her shoulder. "I'm leaving this house anyway. Go hang out with your friends - oh, that's right, you have none."

    Percy rolled his eyes. "Immature."

    Star's phone started ringing, and she turned away from Percy as she answered it, covering her other ear with her hand, straining to hear amidst the bumping music and cheering crowd. Percy leaned against the doorframe, watching her with a scowl on his face.

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