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(Fievel's P.O.V.)
"Fievel" I heard dad call out. I turned my head and saw him walk past me on the streets. I followed him untill I caught up tp him. "Do you know anything about a gang called The Masked?" He questioned me, "only that the leader wears a mask to hide his identity. But nothing else" I told him and hoped he couldn't tell I lied. "What about them?" I questioned, "they are the ones who stole our guns. And now the head of the Masked gang wants to have a meeting at the Garrison" he explained, "and I want you there aswell". When I heard him tell me that the leader of my gang wanted to meet with them I was wondering who it was. Because I certainly didn't call to have this meeting with my father. But I had a feeling of who called the meeting and pretended to be me. I followed him to the Garrison and inside it. Arthur and John where their aswell, already sitting at a table in the empty Garrison. I stepped to the side of the room and waited patiently, for the so called leader of my gang. The door opened and I was correct in knowing who it was. Good ol, Reggie. Behind him was poor Arnold who Reggie always drags along into his michief.

(Tommy's P.O.V.)
I watched the two men walk inside the pub. They where around Fievel's age aswell. But they looked more imature than my son. I took a quick glance towards Fievel to see if I could spot anymore difference between the three of them. Fievel stood and held himself like a true Shelby. No fear, no doubt, just confidence. And the two men in front of me looked nothing like that. Granted the one who stepped in the Garrison first had a bit more self confidence than the other one. But I could tell that neither one of them was the leader or it was a very unconfident leader. Which is not what you want when you have a meeting with us. Fievel stepped away from my side and put himself in front of the two lads. "That's close enough" he told them. He came back to my side and Arthur nodded for them to talk. "My name is Morgan and this is my right hand man Arnold" he said introducing himself and the other one. Neither one of us cared about their names. "You called for this meeting, now get to the point" John told them. Morgan walked forward to the chair in front of us to sit down. I must admit that the kid had alot of nerve to be disrespectfull. He had not been invited to sit just yet. "Your men burned one of my farms down. So in return we stole the guns" he explained to us, "now, I know that you need those guns back for whatever reason, which does not concern me. But what does concerns me is that you Blinders cost me alot of money. Money that I can't get back now. So, let's make a deal. You'll pay us £2.5 million for the damages that you caused and in return we'll give back your guns and no trouble will follow". "And how do you know it was us?" Arthur questioned. Morgan didn't reply to him and just kept his eyes on me, the cocky bastard. "If I where you I wouldn't start a war over some guns" he said with a cocky smirk before standing up. "2.5. Than you'll never see us again" He said before turning around to walk away together with his friend. "I've heard stories about you, Morgan". He stopped and turned around to face me. "They say that you're really keen on keeping your identity a secret. That you wear a mask to accomplish that". I saw a quick flash of realisation flash in his eyes once he realized he wasn't wearing a mask like the leader is known for. "So why start exposing your identity now?" I asked him. I could see him gulp as he realized I caught him in a lie and he was getting wary. "Unless you're not actually the leader of the Masked". He stayed silent and kept his death glare on me. "Now I don't think your boss actually wants to start a war. So, I suggest you bring us our guns before I accept your call to arms. I don't care if you are the Boss or not". "Now fuck off". Arnold nodded and seemed glad to be able to leave without getting hurt but his friend was still not accepting the fact that he was powerless here. He suddenly grabbed his revolver and Fievel had great reaction time with getting his revolver out aswell. The two of them both shot their guns immediatly. Morgan got shot in the head and fell limp to the ground. From the corner of my eye I saw Fievel's body jolt to the right and he grabbed his shoulder. Arnold put his hands up in surrendour when Arthur and John pointed their guns at his head. "Hold him!" I ordered my brothers, telling them to not let Arnold leave. I got up from my chair as fast as I could and checked on Fievel. He had pushed himself against one of the pillars and held his hand by his upper arm putting pressure to the wound. I pulled a hankerchief from my pocket and moved his hand away before pressing it against his wound. "I'll be okay" he told him and tried pushing me away so he could take care of himself. "I know. You survived worse" I replied to him. I patted his other shoulder before standing back up.

(Filly's P.O.V.)
I watched dad walk up to poor Arnold who got dragged into this situation by Reggie. "I suggest you run back to your Boss and tell him that if he doesn't want to have more casualties amongst his men. He brings us our guns back". Arnold nodded back at him. "He's got 48 hours before a war breaks out" dad explained and turned around. Arthur pushed Arnold away telling him to fuck off and the boy ran off to go and find me no doubt. I had 24 hours to get the guns before a war breaks out and I had no idea where the fucking guns are.

Published: 6th of November 2022

From a streetkid to a Peaky Blinder (Peaky Blinders)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum