chapter 5 - A Wolf Among Sheep

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The one group or class of humanity that goes to show just how cruel and sick in the head humans can be. Ever since the invaders arrived people like them have been non-stop harassing government officials like my father and assaulting anyone with relations to their kind.

They are like anarchists at their finest, believing humans are superior and shouldn't give anything to the aliens. That the invaders don't deserve our sympathy and should leave or die.

They believe that the human race would rather die before giving up any of their own to the beasts. And that's exactly what they've been trying to accomplish... Just as my father had warned me, they would rather kill any women they see than allow the invaders a chance to take her.

It's because of people like them I have no choice but to hide my identity...

We walked into camp and immediately I was stunned to find two vehicles parked in the front. They were completely decked out, covered in metal sheets and such. Armored like tanks. They must have a decent sized camp to have the resources to weld and fix up vehicles...

I knew there were some vehicles that survived the emp, older models without all the latest tech, could still run as long as they had fuel, but I never thought I'd see two of them. What really caught my attention was that One was an old truck with a cover in the back forming some kind of cage. I approached it cautiously only to stop when the truck moved slightly. Two men dressed in scrap armor with masks were watching over the truck with automatic rifles in their hands.

Through some holes on the sides I could see something move inside and an uneasy feeling sent chills down my spine as the truck itself shook from whatever was inside moving around. Did they catch some kind of wild animal and put it in there? "Keep moving!" One of them warned and I glared up at the brute.

Varin grabbed my shoulder and we both made our way past the vehicles towards the crowd gathered near the building.

"Now now! Everyone calm down, we will get this sorted out peacefully! " Our camp's leader, an older man, was standing atop of a crate trying to settle everyone.

The crowd was restless and I took notice that any couples who were here yesterday were now gone.

Did they escape before the purifiers saw them or were they already 'taken care of'?

I secured my hood unconsciously, feeling sick to my stomach at the thought. Looking around I could see more of the purifiers around the camp watching over everyone like they owned the place. Why are they here? What do they want from us?

A man dressed in armor without a mask or helmet came up behind us and pushed through the crowd towards the center. Our eyes briefly met and I shivered at the wicked green color.

He went up to our camp leader and everyone was silent as he turned to face the crowd looking over everyone there, he must be their leader. Our group consisted of mostly men and there were only about 30 of us at most. One elderly couple was all that was left of the females of our group.

One thing that both aliens and purifiers didn't bother with older people. There was no point in killing a 70 year old lady or kidnapping them, they simply wanted the young and able-bodied females. To some extent there was a safe zone in age but it wasn't very big.

The man clapped his hands together with a smile, he had dark green eyes and messy dark brown hair with a 5 o'clock shave.

"I know you're all probably very concerned with our sudden appearance, after all it's not every day you have a group of armed men barging into your camp. Even with these trying times of uncertainty I can assure you all now we are not here to steal your supplies or raid your camp, so you can rest easy, we are all friends here!"

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