10. Together-Together (2)

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"Who frowns while eating cake?"

I looked over at Emily. At least I thought it was Emily. She and her twin, Lily, were dressed like twins from some old horror movie. I could usually tell them a part because Lily has a mole under her left eye, but they both had the mark now.

"People who keep getting fooled by pretty cakes," I mumbled, poking at the mess of chocolate brown, red, and gold on my plate. It happened every time. I knew I didn't like cake, but whenever I saw a fancy one, I had to try it. Every time, I was disappointed. The people at Cake Me Up, the bakery branded on all the napkins, were talented, but not even they could get me to appreciate cake.

Liah laughed from across the table where she sat next to Vik. "I told you not to get any."

"All the cookies were gone." There was a whole spread of double chocolate chip that disappeared as soon as Mr. Sloan set them down.

"The cookies were delicious," Emily/Lily said, taking a bite of her cake. "But the cake is way better. Heaven."

I tried another bite of my own and nearly gagged. Pushing the plate away, I chugged the rest of my soda to wash the taste of fondant out of my mouth. Suddenly, someone plopped down in the chair beside me. Corey had a plate full of cake, but my eyes went to the two golden macarons.

When the cake was being cut, Myisha let everyone know the macarons were hers, since there were only four of them. Corey having them only confirmed my suspicions. They hooked up. Why else would she give him her cookies?

"You want one?"

My eyes shot up to Corey as he put a forkful of cake in his mouth. "No."

"You sure? Because you're drooling."

I narrowed my eyes at him and he went back to his cake.

As we ate, Myisha opened her gifts. She grinned and squealed and thanked everyone as she held up name-brand purses and limited edition vinyls and so many gift cards. I felt a little guilty when she thanked Liah and me for the sweater Liah bought.

"How is it so late already?" Liah stared at her phone, frowning. Myisha was done with presents. Now she stood by the exit, handing out gift bags as people said their goodbyes for the night.

Vik resembled a puppy the way his face fell. "You have to go?" He must've realized how that sounded and backtracked. "I mean, we weren't done with bowling."

Liah's silver painted lips spread in a smile. "We'll just have to finish the lesson some other time."

Watching the two of them made me giddy. The same way the romance books I read did. Witnessing two people fall for each other made me happy. And hopeful that, after filtering through the Dameon's of the world, I'd find someone, too.

• • •

"I thought Vik was gonna crap himself asking you out on a date," I said. We were in Liah's car, nearly home. Corey sat in the back, on his phone. Was he thanking Myisha for her cookies?

"It's not a date." The way her face practically split in two said otherwise. "We're going to hang out and bowl. He's cool. Plus, I can talk Marvel with him, since someone always tunes out my theories."

"Those movies are boring." I whipped around to face Corey, surprised we actually agreed on something.

"You're literally dressed like Spider-Man."

"This wasn't my choice."

"Blasphemous!" Liah shook her head. "That's why I'm making you walk."

I thought it was a joke until she pulled over. "You're being for real?"

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