Chapter 12

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I startle myself awake, trapped in the snare of a nightmare. The rattle of the cell bars, and my rapid, panicked breathing echo off the cast iron walls. Darkness and hunger. No sign of day or night.

Sweat drips from my nose, dribbling into my mouth as I gasp. The world around me shifts and stretches as I throw the heavy blankets from my body and stumble into the bathroom, cranking cold water from the faucet. A sliver of moonlight slices into the room quells my racing heart. My fingers flinch as the water bites into my skin. But it tethers me to reality as I sink into the tub, sitting there until shivers rattle through my body. When I step out and slip pants and tunic on, I realise the clock only reads 4 am. But I cannot sleep any longer. Not when the claws and fangs of nightmares loom over me, taunting and teasing. My stomach aches with hunger, too.

I traipse to the door, expecting it to be locked. But it opens with a click. Raising my brows, I step out of the bedroom and pad, barefooted, down the marble hallway. I navigate my way through the east wing of the palace. Swathed in silence, only illuminated by the odd candle mounted to the wall. I pray to the Gods no one will see me. My stomach rumbles in mockery.

I hasten down a set of stairs, into the servant's wing. Crashing into the kitchen, and reaching for the matches, I circle the room, lighting the candles to chase away the shadows. A shriek spills from my mouth when the light splashes onto a figure. Clothed in black and cloaked in darkness, Ruben hunches over the table in the middle of the kitchen, munching a slice of bread.

"Elle!" Then he chokes, coughing and whacking his chest until his eyes water.

"What the hell are you doing?" I ask, crossing my arms and tapping my foot.

He inclines his head to the bread. "I'm eating. What does it look like?"

I quirk a brow. "At four in the morning?"

He bristles, those green eyes darting to the window, where the moon kisses the clouds in the distant sky. "Yes. My meal schedule is a little... inconsistent."

"What does that mean?"

"None of your business." He takes another bite, chews, and swallows. "What about you?"

I chew the inside of my cheek. "I had a nightmare. Then I woke up and realised my reality was worse."

He smirks and his eyes are bright, almost feline, sharp, and calculating. "It can't be that bad. Besides, it appears someone has a message for you. He asked me to pass it on to you this morning. But your presence is... perfectly timed, Elle."

I angle my head. "I'm not sure what you're talking about."

He brushes the breadcrumbs from his lap. "Come on, Elle. Who delivers fresh produce to the palace at an ungodly hour?"

"Elle," a voice hisses.

I turn my head on instinct, my heart racing at the all-too-familiar voice. I widen my eyes at Ruben in disbelief. "Are you playing a cruel joke? Can I see him?"

"Of course, Elle. He said you two are best friends." He leans back in his chair and winks. "As I said once, I'm not a monster."

The owner of the voice remains hidden behind the kitchen door. With a giggle bubbling in my throat, I slip out into the night. Aston clings to the shadows like a vampire hiding from the sun. Brows pulled together; jaw tightened. He doesn't say a word, motioning for me to follow. I throw Ruben a look over my shoulder, running my fingers over my throat. He nods in understanding, pretending to zip his mouth shut and throw away the key. I bite my lip and follow Aston. His sandy blond hair catches in the moonlight, bouncing up and down. We skulk into the shadowed corner of a small garden, surrounded by hedges. Their leaves glimmer dark green in the ghostly light like fish scales. A low breeze raises the hair on my skin and rustles the leaves like chattering hyenas.

Within the Walls [NEW VERSION]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang