Chapter 22: Bourbon Figures It Out!

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Kaiya POV

"Cafe Poirot seems quite busy today!" I noted.

"It is quite packed." Amuro commented as he made coffee.

"If only we had extra hands to help us." Azusa sighed.

"I don't mind helping you then, as it's the weekend." I grabbed an apron and tied it around me.

"That's very kind of you, but I couldn't possibly ask you to do that." Azusa replied uncertainly.

"It's no trouble at all! Besides, it's a busy day, so you'll need all the help you can get." I smiled.

Amuro and Azuza taught me how to make simple meals at Poirot, and I mostly helped with meal prep. I tried my best to memorize all the tables as well.


"Thanks for your help!" Azusa said after the morning rush.

"My pleasure! It's all thanks to you and Amuro-san teaching me the basics." I replied.

"I'm sure Poirot's owner wouldn't mind having an extra hand at the cafe." Amuro said. Ah that's true... maybe it can be a part time job!

"Oh no! We ran out of groceries, and we'll need more before the afternoon!" Azusa inspected the fridge.

"There's a grocery store nearby that we can go to." I piped up.

"I believe the grocery store is acquainted with Poirot's owner, so we might get discounts as well." Amuro stated.


"We're done with shopping!" I looked at the shopping list. "It was quite a crowd."

"At least we did something productive on the weekend." Amuro tried to stay positive.

"I'm in the mood to just relax today." I explained. After the Murder Mystery Train, I wanted to stay away from trouble for a while.

"Ah how was the Murder Mystery Train?" Amuro asked, seemingly reading my mind. "I heard you and your friends went there... but according to the news, there was an explosion..."

"I didn't end up going since I caught a cold." I lied, trying to be careful with my answers. "But I heard it was really fun although the train stopped earlier than planned."

Before Amuro could reply, we heard a loud commotion due to a traffic accident. I gasped when I saw a circus horse run loose.

Amuro ran in front of the horse and calmed it, stroking the horse's mane gently.

"It was just startled by the traffic accident." Amuro explained.

"Oh!" I cried in surprise as the horse inched near me and munched on the celery in my grocery bag. I stroked the horse and gently fed it.

"You like celery as well?" Amuro asked the horse, who was clearly enjoying the celery.

The horse bent his head slightly at us.

"You want me to ride you?" I asked the horse, who whinnied softly.

"It doesn't hurt to try." Amuro said. "The horse has a saddle anyways, and we can just lead it back towards its trailer."

"Oh alright then." I said, slightly excited at the prospect of riding a horse. Amuro helped me up the horse.

"Pickpocket!" a woman cried as a thief sped through the streets on a motorcycle.

Amuro glanced at the horse. "I'll borrow the horse for a while." Amuro told the owner of the horse, and hopped on the horse, grabbing the reins from me.

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