Chapter 26

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"Mom" my eyes blinked looking at the she-devil in front of me.

I expected it to be Ethan.

It's not like I'm not happy to see her. It's just the negative vibrations she brings which make me even more insecure than I already am.

"Do you invite every guest like this? By making them stand out for an hour." She spoke in her usual smooth voice.

Her voice has always been sweet but not her words. At least not towards me.

"I'm sorry. Come in." I opened the door wide and she entered looking around.

"How is dad?"

"He is good." She answered simply and I nodded my head at her.

I lead her to the couch and once she sat, I walked to the kitchen to make some coffee for her.

Looking at her attire, she must have come here directly from her hospital. Being a doctor is tough.

"Why are you dressed like that? That looked like what your grandma would wear." She spoke as I walked to the kitchen to make coffee.

I tried ignoring her words but I knew that I would start thinking about them even after she left.

I quickly made some black coffee and she took the coffee mug from me.

When I was sitting on the couch beside her, I watched her correcting the position of the magazine which is placed slightly crossed.

I took a sip of my coffee and sighed feeling the warm liquid burn my throat. It felt good.

My mother took a sip of her coffee and her face morphed into a gagged expression.

"What is this, Lauren?" my mother's usually smooth voice turned chilly.

"What happened?" I asked not knowing what went wrong.

"This is not how you make coffee. You are a grown-up, Lauren. Act like one." She placed the mug on the coffee table harshly before shaking her head at me.

But Ethan never complained about my coffee. I thought I can make a good coffee. Guess I'm not good even at that.

"How is Ethan?" she asked me.

"He is good. He has a meeting. He should be returned by now." I spoke glancing at the clock to see the time.

"Good." She spoke.

She stayed silent for a good half minute. She looked like she was holding back from saying something.

"Don't push his limits, Lauren. You are already annoying as you are. Don't annoy him all the time." she finally spoke.

Like I don't have anything better to do.

"Okay, mom. Tell me about you. How are you?" I ignored her complaints for now.

"Never been better." She smiled softly and my heart melted at the sight. No matter how much she nagged at me. I love her a lot and would do anything to impress her.

"Your skin looks dull, Lauren. Were you not using the products I sent you?" she asked me and my temper raised.

"Mom," I whined angrily feeling my frustration build up.

"Why are you here, mom?" I placed my coffee mug on the small table and turned toward her.

"Can't a mother visit her daughter?" she raised her eyebrow at me and I sighed angrily not knowing how to respond.

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