Chapter 7...

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Picture on side of Lennon Anderson played by Victoria Justice :)

Dedicated to IHateHumansJustCuz for all the covers she's sent me and for always talking to me :) Lennon is named after her <3

"But mommy I want to go with you!" My five year old self cried to my mom. My little hands were on her wrist trying to pull her back towards me. Her blonde hair fell around her face as she slid onto her knees in front of me. Her green eyes stared into mine and I tried not to cry. It was dark and I was tired, wanting more than anything to go back to bed.

"Honey I will be back soon. I just need you to stay right here until I get back." She said putting her hands on my little shoulders.

"I don't want to stay here." I whined again holding my teddy bear in one hand and her arm in the another.

"Jenna. Be a good girl and listen to mommy." My mom said sternly. Her soft tone gone replaced with something else. She has been doing that a lot lately, being nice then a second later cold and rude. It wasn't always directed towards me but these last two days it has been. I dropped my eyes to the ground and nodded softly. I would always listen to mommy. "I want you to know I love you Jenna. I'll be back soon." She stood up and laid a quick kiss to my forehead. Giving me one last look she turned and walked away leaving me on the doorstep of some house.

I watched her go clenching my teddy bear tightly against my chest as tears rolled down my chubby cheeks. Even though I was 5, I somehow knew she wasn't going to come back. I watched her until I couldn't see her anymore. I sat down on the steps and stared in the direction she'd went. Hours past and soon the sun started to come up. My tears had stopped and dried on my cheeks, my eyes drooping every minute but I would force them open in case my mommy came back. Mommy will be back. I thought as I sat there waiting to see her tall figure come around the corner.

I woke up with a start and felt tears rolling down my cheeks. Reaching a hand up I wiped them away feeling my chest ache. I haven't dreamt that in a while, I use to a lot when I was younger but over the years it disappeared. With a soft sigh I slumped back in my bed. Wait? I'm in my bed? I jerked up and looked around my room. I don't remember coming in here last night. I remember watching a movie and falling asleep on the couch not here. Confused I got out of bed and walked out of my room oblivious to how my hair looked and that I was only in my pjs.

Surprisingly Liam was sitting in the kitchen drinking a cup of coffee and eating what looked like eggs. I saw it was only 7 in the morning. I headed to the coffee machine in dire need of some caffeine. My head hurt and my eyes ached since I cried in my sleep.

"Good morning." Liam's voice said behind me surprising me that I almost spilt the coffee I was pouring.

"Morning." I croaked out my throat dry. Bring my cup to my lips I took a quick gulp wetting my mouth, needing the caffeine.

"Did you sleep okay?" I was really surprised that he was talking to me but not wanting him to stop I turned around.

"I did thank you. Did you put me in my bed last night?" I asked leaning against the counter in front of him. He looked up and I saw his eyes travel over my attire than back to my eyes.

"I did. I came home late and found you asleep on the couch. Thought you would be more comfortable in your own bed." As he talked I couldn't help but like the way his voice sounded. It was kind of deep but smooth and seemed to wash over me like water. Wonder what his morning voice sounds like? I wondered. Shaking the thought away I replied back to him.

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