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   "I remember that Y would go to church once a month at that time, and he went to church before and his strength increased greatly. Last night, I seem to see Huang Yu go again-"

In the next second, that message is gone.

Flower Branch blinked and looked at the 404 displayed above, "Disappeared?"

Refresh the flower branch, and the post is completely gone. The top post soon covered the original one.

[It was checked and deleted by their system, it doesn't matter, I have screenshots. 】Little Gray Rabbit quickly released a screenshot, and Huazhi continued to look down.

"Last night, I seemed to see Huang Yu hurriedly going to the church again, and I don't know why I went there, but I have been to that church several times before, except for being a little confused. Found something special."

Such a few sentences were deleted by the system in an instant.

"Can you find out what they have to do with that church?"

Little Gray Rabbit shook his head, [all deleted by them. 】

It just found that the system automatically detected and deleted it, and immediately recorded it, and then found that all sentences associated with "Huang Lao-Church" will be deleted.

[But I found a church, which should be what they said, there is only one church in this base. 】

Flower branch clicked on the information it pushed.

She has been looking at the bracelet, and her expression is focused, and Jing Huai looks at her unconsciously.

"What did you find?"

Flower Branch nodded, "Look."

Just as she spoke, she remembered that this is not the place to speak, her voice immediately dropped, and she said to him in a voice that only two people could hear: "I just saw a message."

Huazhi passed the screenshot to Jinghuai, "Some people said that Huang Yu went to this church last night."

If it's someone else, it's hard to say, but the one who goes is Huang Yu.

Last night, it was like that. Huang Lao fainted and turned into a zombie. They stayed at the door for so long without seeing him come out, but he went to this church in the middle of the night. You know, he usually looks sick when he takes two more steps.

"And I heard that Huang Lao's zombie transformation last night has been restored."

They can only let him "recover", otherwise he will turn into a zombie, how can he rob the Wei'an base with Shen Guo.

But there is only so much news they can hear. After the trouble last night, Huang Lao's villa was completely closed, prohibiting everyone from entering and leaving. She doesn't know what he is now. Clearly, but Huang Yu went out to church in the middle of the night, no matter how he thought about it, he felt that there was a problem.

"Should we go here and see, maybe we'll find something new."

Xiang Huai nodded and enlarged the photo of the church. However, the photos are a bit blurry, so I can only see it roughly. The specifics will only be known after going there.

They didn't actually use two hours, Huazhi guessed that Shen Guo was about to wake up, so he released him from the space.

When he came out, he looked completely new. Huazhi couldn't help but take a second glance, feeling that the skin at the corners of his eyes had tightened.

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