Part 92

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Dave POV
"Looks like your birthday is off to a loud start." Lily came up from behind me.
"She woke you huh." I said referring to a screaming Reina in my arms.
"Yeah but it's fine, let me get her back to sleep. You can rest."
"Nah I got it mamas don't worry and ion mind the loud start." I joked as Reina finally started to calm down.
"You're so good with her."
"I guess I should thank Kairi for that."
"Hm I think I'll just watch y'all for a minute."
Having Lily and Reina under the same roof with me make me feel almost complete. When we got Kairi over then a nigga really be feeling whole. Lily and Kairi done got so close that she be asking to spend time over to be with Lily. I think all that be what gets Millie tight. Shit, I can't front cause I'd be mad too had the roles been reversed but Lily ain't even on no funny shit. She watch Kairi like her niece, even her little sister sometimes nothing onna parental level. She knows her place and even despite the beef she got with Millie, she not the type to even try to overstep her boundaries.

"Alright so lemme just start by saying that its pretty shitty to throw your own birthday party so next time sit tf down and let us handle this aight?""Exactlyyy!" Danny loud mouth agreed with Lily

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"Alright so lemme just start by saying that its pretty shitty to throw your own birthday party so next time sit tf down and let us handle this aight?"
"Exactlyyy!" Danny loud mouth agreed with Lily.
"Aight so boom, short and sweet right, I'd like to believe that I speak for everyone here when I say that we really appreciate you and we're deadass proud of you-
"By all means."
"You're a great guy, an amazing dad, you stay on your hustle, real life hustler, a real boss, always making moves, always making money, you check for your people and make yourself available when needed. You feel me, like nobody do it like you do and you deserve the best, like me-"
Of course there was commotion after that line.
"And everything good coming your way." She finished waving off the funny comments. Some folks clapped after her little speech but most just raised their glasses after she gave a toast to me. Food came soon after and everybody started eating. The 'party' part of the night followed when the cake came out and the real music started. Danny was the first to start dancing pulling anyone standing with her.
"The big three-o huh? How that feel?" Lu asked.
"Shit, the same way 29 felt." She looked good tonight.
"I'm surprised to have gotten an invite to this. I guess your girl wasn't too pleased by it."
"She ain't mind too much. In fact I need y'all to have a sit down." I went straight for it.
"What for David? Me and that girl got nothing to talk about."
"Millie she the mother of my child-
"And what that make me nigga?" She blurted out with an attitude before I could finish.
"And she's my girlfriend. I can't have y'all beefing forever."
"What difference does it make, y'all not gon last forever."
"According to who, you?" I chuckled.
"You can't be that serious bout this girl Dave. Don't tell me because you had a slip up and knocked her up because I know a thing or two about being knocked up."
"I got more respect for Aaliyah than that and quite frankly so should you considering how much she cares for Kairi."
"Excuse me, nigga?"
"Baby, your mom asking for you." Lily came up from behind me. Millie face was already sour. "Oh hi Millie, I like your dress." I know it took a lot out of Lily to say that. Her skin probably itching her right now or she probably daring Lu to say some dumb shit.
"Of course, it's not the dress but the fit. I mean the dress is nice but it takes a real woman to showcase it's beauty like this." All Millie had to so was say thank you and be done with it.
"Oh well in that case I'll definitely look great in it, baby you think I should get it?" Now Lily trynna be petty right back.
"Don't worry, it's limited edition sweetie. You won't get this in any store."
"Oh but Lu, my girl Karla could make me one herself provably with her eyes closed, easily. The dress is nice but it ain't spectacular." Lily laughed lightly and I could tell Millie took offense.
"Man this petty shit got to stop, both y'all need to chill fr. What part of I need y'all to be cordial don't y'all get?" I spoke up,
"Everything." Lu said.
"Y'all the mothers of my children which mean y'all both gon be in my life for at least another 15years. Y'all gotta be able to get along plus Lily staying with me and be spending time and helping out with Kairi, so wtf y'all really beefing for? If y'all both as grown as y'all claim to be, dead this shit right now."
"Easily, look Ion really got nothing personal against you Ms.Colon. You came at me and imma always defend myself and come right back 10 times harder so I won't come for you and you won't come for me. It's as simple as that. If you still want Dave, you gon have to take that up with your lord and pray about it or sumn because he ain't going nowhere in a hurry if I got anything to do with it, respectfully. Right now the ball is in your court, it's either we're good or we ain't." Lily expressed, stretching her hand out. Millie knows she would've looked mad bitter if she hadn't shook her hand so she did just that and shockingly without any slick remark.
"Aight then we good." It almost felt too easy but I don't wanna jinx it so imma let it be and watch how it plays out in the long-run if there even is a long run.

Just One Chance(Rewritten) Ryan Destiny x Dave EastWhere stories live. Discover now