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"Pick it up," Jessica insisted me to pick up the call which then I did.


"Hello my beautiful florist. Are you at your shop right now? David told me that you want to go there this morning," Louis said with a dazzling voice.

"Y-yes. I am with Jessica right now," I said awkwardly. This is my first conversation with him. I don't really said anything this morning when we first met.

"Oh really? That's good I was going to tell you that I couldn't make it for lunch today. Can you eat with Jessica?" he informed. I could sense the disappointment in his voice. 

"Yeah sure," I said, trying to hide my relieves. 

"Sorry baby. I will try to come back early today,"

"About that, can I have a sleepover at Jessica's?" I too this opportunity to avoid Louis as long as I can.

"Ohhh.. that's new," he said as if I just said something really weird.

"I need to help her with some work," I explained to make it looked more sense but obviously, I lied. 

"Okay then. I will call you later. Take care. Love you,"


Oh my God! What I just did? But that's actually a brilliant idea.

"What the heck Claire?! Where does the sleepover come from?" Jessica looked shock with my spontaneous decision.

"Oh come on Jessica you need to help me!" I am basically begging her right now.

"First, we never once had a sleepover after you're married which will make Louis so confused right now. And second are you sure that I'm not married yet?" she said making me froze. 

"Don't tell me that you are," why I never thought about that before!

"Ha ha no. Just kidding. I'm single as ever," Jessica laughed seeing the genuine shock reaction on my face.


She laughed hysterically on her own joke. How can she joke around in this situation! And now that I thought about it, does my life is the only one that change or does it involve everyone?

"Jessica, does my parents still alive?" She stopped laughing and looked shocked when I asked. She took my hand into hers.

"No, they don't. I'm sorry but you need to know that I'm always going to be with you and we'll figure out this together, okay?" I nodded. I know that she always going to be there for me. She was there for me at my lowest while my relatives were busy arguing about my parents' money instead of who going to take care of me. Part of me are still hoping that they are alive but it looked like my life is the only thing that changed after I entered the portal. And Louis' of course because now he's married to me.

"Let's grab some lunch and then we can go back to my apartment," Jessica said, bringing me back to the reality. She must realize that I've lost in my thoughts. I nodded and smiled at her.

We walked out from the flower shop and I told David , who I totally forgot about that I'm going with Jessica and he can go back home.

We went to our usual spot to eat and then go straight to Jessica's apartment. It's still the same apartment that I knew she lived in. I can't believe I didn't have any sleepover with her for six months. We will do that at least twice a week. Even before I entered the portal, I slept at her place the day before.

Just how much Louis and I are in love?

"Here, this should be your size," Jessica hand me a sweatshirt and a pair of leggings for me to change since I didn't bring any of my stuff.

"Thank you, Jess,"

We ordered McDonald's for dinner and watched Netflix on her bed, ignoring the fact that I have a huge problem to solve. It's so comfy and nice until my phone started ringing, again. It's Louis. I forgot that I have a husband for a moment. Jessica is still focusing on the movie and didn't even realised that I had left the room. I sat on the sofa before answering the call.

"Hello, Louis," I greeted awkwardly. 

"Hello, baby. You're okay? You didn't call me," Louis asked. He sound offended. 

"Ohh, I- I didn't want to disturb you," I tried making up an excuse.

"You never disturb me. I just got back home and it's so quiet without you here. I feel lonely,"

Oh no. This is so awkward. What should I say?

"Err, I will be back soon,"

"Hmm.. this night is going to be so long without you by my side. Have fun with Jessica, okay? Love you," he said sweet but I ended the call immediately. I feel so bad. He sound gloomy. He must be missing me so much. For some reason, my heart ache hearing him like that.

"Are you okay, Claire? Did Louis called you just now?" I look up at Jessica who was already standing in front of me. I nodded as a reply to her question.

"Are you crying?"

Am I crying? I wiped my cheeks to realize that I am actually crying right now and the tears doesn't seem to stop. Jessica sat next to me and hugged me tight.

"I don't know Jess. I don't know what is wrong with me and what's happening to me right now. But I feel so sad hearing him sad," I said truthfully. I feel like some part of me is missing him as much as much as he's missing me. 

"That's because you love him. You always do," She stroked my hair gently, trying to calm me down.

"But I don't know him. I only know his name. Louis Hernandez. I don't know anything about him," I sobbed. He is a boss to me until this morning. He's my husband now. 

"Everything is going to be fine trust me," she said as she hugged me and I hugged her back. 

I hope that she is right and it will be soon.


"Claire, I need to go to work now. Just leave the key under the doormat if you're going home," Jessica said as she putting on her shoes. 

"I'm sleeping here again tonight, Jess," I informed her. Jessica froze for a moment but then she sighed before walking back towards me.

"Claire, you said that you're sad when you hear him sad right? Just tell him everything. He will understand," she said. 

"How do I live with a stranger and how do you know that he will believe me? He must think I'm crazy," I said. Nobody will believe me. Only I know what I'm going through right now. It will not make sense to anybody else. It just my luck that Jessica decided to trust me.

"He's not a stranger, Claire. He will believe you, trust me. He loves you more than you think," I don't know what else to say. Jess keep telling me to let Louis know everything since last night but I am not sure.

"Just think about it, okay? I'm off, "

Jessica disappeared behind the door. I've been up all night thinking about all of this. Louis especially. I don't even know how we met and when I asked Jessica, she told me that I never told her and she just knew about it when we were already started dating. That makes sense because Jessica does not work at the same place as me. 

Thinking about it makes me blushed. There are so many questions. When do we have our first kiss? Do we had sex? Oh my God! Do we?! I mean, we're married after all.

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