Chapter 29: The Wedding Date: Part 1:

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~Chapter Song: Through The Years, Kenny Rogers~



So, at some point in this chapter, the characters will be watching a video. I'll be saying when the video is playing and when it isn't, but just so it can be easier, the video will be described in italics.



I will tell you exactly the problem with the combination of Thanksgiving and fake dating.

Thanksgiving is the time every single family member becomes a gossiper. And in a family where everyone is already keen on gossip, the holiday becomes a nuclear field. You just got to be careful to not push any pressing matters that could blow in your face.

But since Cameron and I's 'relationship' was the latest piece of gossip, there was no place to hide. And we learned that the moment we stepped into David's house.

Our parents went there earlier to help prep dinner, which means Cameron had to drive me and Harry there. Which was a hell of an awkward ride. Especially because we weren't able to discuss the kissing-related incident that had happened not even twenty-four hours before.

So not only were we the front-page breaking news of the month -or better the year-, but we had also just caused the start of a chain reaction, that would not end well.

As soon as we passed the door frame, David started pouting like a five-year-old, our mums were smiling, giggling, and whispering in our direction, and our dads pretended not to see us. Everything was going that well.

 After the first reactions, they calmed down a bit. Our mothers settle to flashing grins our way. Our dads were back to the usual dad-squad things, like cooking the turkey. David... David was acting like a child. He didn't say anything directly to us, but it was clear he wasn't completely okay.

And of course, Harry... Harry was just trying to laugh as quietly as possible, so no one would ask him what was wrong. Being a bad liar wasn't just my trait, it was in our blood.

We were finishing the meal when our mothers decided to put us again through the torture of saying what we were thankful for. Turns out, being adults gave them the right to skip that part, but us -the kids- we had no rights on the matter. Even if we were seventeen.

Harry stood up first, "So, this year, I'm particularly thankful for Santa Claus."

Everybody formed a frown, except mine, because I knew very well what he was doing.

Harry had this thing he did, his own tradition. Since Christmas was coming up, and he was never completely satisfied with his present unless he chose it, he always found a way to mention what he wanted for Christmas at Thanksgiving. By the third time he had done it, our parents caught up on it, but since it meant they had to think of one less present, they let him continue. This brings us back to this year's present.

"Why you are probably thinking, would a seventeen-year-old be thankful for Santa? Well, because Santa is such an awesome person, that he will bring me the new electric guitar I always wanted." -always meaning three months now- "Specific details I've sent to the group chat, I mean the north pole. Oh, and for health and all that.", he sat back down, sipping his drink.

He seemed to be becoming less and less discrete over the years.

Then it was David, who was holding the wine glass filled with cranberry juice -since in front of our parents, he "Didn't put that crap in his body."

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