Chapter 33

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My scream echoed through the halls as I took in the sight infront of me

An unconscious body surrounded by a pool of blood was laying right infront of my room

Xavier came running to me as I slid down the wall behind me and sat there, eyes closed and shaking slightly, trying to get rid of the horrible sight infront of me

Sometimes I wish I could be alittle strong

Not having uncontrollable panic attacks all the time

I wonder if I would've been strong if I hadn't encountered Austin in my life

"Hey hey you're okay I've got you, GODDAMMIT DAVID COME CLEAN THIS SHIT UP" I heard Xavier beside me making me come back to reality

A nauseous feeling came over me suddenly and before I knew what was happening my legs led me to my room and to the bathroom inside where I emptied my stomach inside the toilet bowl

I felt Xavier hold my hair out of my face and for that I was grateful, I tried to look up at him but I didn't get to because I threw up again

"I'm so sorry mio Campanellino è tutta colpa mia Mi dispiace" I heard him whisper behind me still holding my hair and rubbing my back in a comforting manner

Not the damn time for your language switch Xavier

I got up and washed my face and mouth before turning to Xavier

I took a deep breath and asked "what was that?"

"Alessandro..." Xavier dragged on the word not needing to continue

That fucking psychopath

What was that even for?

To give me a traumatic experience for the rest of my life?

"Look...uh lay in bed for a few hours and I'll go talk to Alessandro and come back. You need rest" I nodded and he led me to the bed and made sure I'm all tucked in before bending down and kissing my forehead "I'm so sorry amore mio, I love you" he whispered his face hovering over mine ever so slightly, his beautiful green eyes looking directly in my blue ones

For a moment he made me forget what I just saw, as I looked deeply in his eyes ..I found comfort...I felt that no matter what happens he'll protect me, that I found someone that actually worries about me, that loves me

Only for a moment

And then I was reminded of the innocent body His brother killed just to give me a jump scare

Xavier King...why must your life be so complicated?

Xavier's pov:

She studied my face and I knew she was doubting us again

But it's okay I'll assure her a hundred times that we could make this work out, that we'll get through all this. I'll make sure she gets the happy ending she deserves

She's my purpose

I believe I'm only here to make sure this angel stays safe

Maybe I'm alittle late but even if it kills me I'll make sure that for as long as I'm breathing, she's safe.

She's mine though

Mine to protect
Mine to cherish
Mine to love

All mine
And only mine

"I promise you'll get the happy ending you're wishing for. I know it might not seem like it right now and I know you keep asking yourself why all this is happening when you've already went through alot but you'll get through this Riley. We'll get through this, through your problems, my problems and all those problems that keep getting thrown in our way. This is it for me. You're it for me. And I'll fight for this. You don't need to, I have enough love to fight for the both of us" I caressed her face gently as her beautiful blue eyes looked up at me and she smiled alittle

The Gang Leader's Possession Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora