Chapter 43: Indigo

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"He's on the booth to your left indie" Oakleys voice informs me through the earpiece Im wearing I look over to the direction oaks told me and sure enough Sebastian Daniels is sat on the red leather seat with a skimpily dressed brunette on his lap.

We're at a club in downtown New York to arrange this whole resources thing oakley was talking about, he got in contact with the guy he spoke to in Monaco and they arranged the meeting here.

Grey stays by my side tensely until we reach Sebastian, when Sebastian offers his hand grey looks over to me from the corner of his eye. I shake Sebastian's hand and grey follows suit shortly after. We sit down and look to mr daniels who waves the stripper off his lap and turns his attention to us.

"So mr daniels, we've heard that you'll make a deal with us" I begin and he nods slowly analyzing our movements. He tenses when grey rests his hand on my thigh but relaxes when he then leans back and looks at Sebastian whilst man spreading.

Holy water....I need holy water.

"Make it quick, we're the ones paying" grey states and Sebastian smirks.

"Clearly a man who knows what he wants and please call me seb" seb hands over a document and while grey reads over it, I look back up to mr daniels who's sat watching us.

"Married?" He asks pointing between the two of us. I look at him stoically and shake my head.

"Engaged" i explain and he nods at me, a look of interest covering his rough features.

"Shame a pretty girl like you has to be taken already" a click of a gun is heard and I look next to me. Grey is holding the gun and pointing it at Sebastian while still reading the documents.

"I suggest you stop talking to my woman before I put a bullet in that annoying as fuck mouth of yours seb" grey says in a calm manor and I place my hand on his knee.

Grey gets out a pen and signs the document, he hands it back over to Sebastian who smiles and goes to shake greys hand but grey hesitates and looks to me again. I don't shake Sebastian's hand instead i turn around leaving with a short Thankyou. Grey follows me and we leave the club.

"All done" I say to Oakley through the earpiece and remove it, grey does the same and we chuck them in the trash on the way out.

"You didn't have to threaten him" I say to grey and he brushes his hand over mine, I take his hand and we walk towards his motor bike.

"If someone hits on your girl you just threaten to shoot them" grey informs me and nods decisively.

"Shoot them?"

"Politely" he tells me and we get on the bike.

"There was nothing polite about that" I say as he puts the helmet on my head and knocks on it.

"We'll there was nothing polite him flirting with you either so I'd call it even pretty girl" he says using the nickname seb called me and the engine roars to life. I smile as we drive off from the club and down the roads.

We pull up at a red light at the same time as a guy with a short sleeve top and arms covered in tattoos does. I'm guessing it's his girlfriend that's on the back, she's got a helmet on as well as the man at the front. Unlike grey who just chooses to risk his life everyday.

The man revs his engine at grey and I see grey turn his head and smirk at the guy. You'd think grey would be more mature but I know what he's about to do.

He taps my arm that wrapped around him and I grip onto him tighter.

They both nod at each other and the lights turn green. We shoot off down the road at a lighting pace with the other bike right next to us.

We spend the next five minutes turning the tightest corners in the fucking world and speeding down the roads at an alarming pace i didn't even know this bike could go at, or Greyson could drive at to be honest.

We reach a lay by and the man signals for grey to pull over so he does and when we come to a stop I pull of the helmet as grey gets off and puts the stand of the bike up. The other people do the same and they take their helmets off.

The man who'd I'd say is around 6ft 3 has jet black hair and piercing blue eyes, he has a slit in his eyebrow and tattoos crawl up his neck. His physique is much like greys and he stands tall. The woman has light blonde hair and pretty brown eyes. She stands slightly taller than me but not by much, looking at them together I wonder how ridiculous grey and i's height difference is.

"I'm so sorry about that I don't know what my boyfriend was thinking" the girl says and she looks to us and smiles warmly at me "I'm Bea"

I don't think I've ever met someone with a name that suits them so perfectly.

She turns to boyfriend and nudges him harshly, he sighs and forces out a smile.

"Maybe you shouldn't smile unless you want to.....your creeping me out" I say and he immediately frowns at me.

"I'm maverick" he says and I cross my arms.

"Greyson" grey replies and they do the bro shake thing.

"You've got a good set of skills on your bike maverick" grey compliments and maverick nods and pulls Bea to his side.

"You too man" he says and I roll my eyes. Bea smiles at me and walks over towards me, maverick grabs her hand but she smiles at him and continues over to me. Without realizing I tense and grey stands in front of me slightly.

I pat his back when Bea get to me and he moves ever so slightly and begins to talk to maverick.

"Would you like my number?" She asks quietly and I mentally aww at her, she's actually very sweet.

"I would love it"I say and hand her my phone after I unlock it, she smiles widely at me and puts in her number. When I get my phone back she's put herself into it as Bea 🐝

I smile at it and look back up to her.

"We should meet up sometime this week for coffee" she says and I nod at her enthusiasm.

"We should, I'll text you" I say and we bid each other goodbye when grey starts to get back on his bike.

"Mav!" I hear her exclaim as I get on the bike and grey once again pops the helmet over my head.

"Yeah baby?"

"I made a friend" she's adorable.

"That's great baby, I'm proud of you" how a raincloud like him ended up with such a ray of sunshine I have no idea at all. The world works in mysterious ways.

I wonder why he's proud of her?

We wave them goodbye and we pull out in separate directions, thank good for that because if we'd gone the same way it would've been really awkward.

I rest my head against greys back and we head back home.


Another update for you guys, what do we think of Mav and Bea? I personally am in love with them.

Love y'all!

Happy reading!

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