19. Unexpected guests

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I woke up the day after feeling completely confused . It was almost 10am and I just got out of one of the weirdest dreams ever in which Ayla was going out with Sara and Dean and I were getting married . Yeah that was definitely the weirdest dream which made me laugh alone in my bed while I could hear people downstairs listening to music . I put on a blue sweater and brushed my tangled hair observing the beautiful show that the forest was offering to me through the window . The wind was blowing hard and snow had surprised us in the night leaving a white layer on the ground . One of my childhood favorite moments had always been to wake up to this incredible sight . I went downstairs finding Justin and Sara reading a book together on the couch bringing a smile to my face while the others were playing cards on the table .

"What are you playing?" I asked sitting next to Louis who was wearing a shirt with 'not a morning person' written on it .

"Poker" he replied not looking at me as he was so concentrated on the game "you can join the next one"

I noticed the colored poker chips laying on the table, Louis had apparently won quite a few times, Jake was looking like he just lost everything he had and Maya -who just joined us this morning after her exams- seemed to have give up long ago .

"Okay I'm out" Jake surrendered throwing his cards on the table as he had no hope to catch up with Louis .

"Okayyy so, Aimee, you're in?" he asked putting the cards together before distributing them again .

"I am" I smiled remembering the games we used to play with my dad and my cousins during vacations .

"Maya ?"

"Well if it's to lose, I might as well do it till the end, I'm in" she chuckled .


"Of course I'm in, I'm gonna beat your ass" he said but was clearly not conviced himself .

"Great, so Aimee, the rules are not so complicated, you'll ha-"

"Louis" I cut him "I know how to play poker"

"You do?" he asked .

"Yes, why?"

"Nope nothing" he quickly went back to the cards like nothing happened . Was it me or was it just sexism ?

Thirty minutes later I had collected Jake's and Maya's stakes and I could feel  Louis lose his confidence as my straight flush was waiting in my hands .

"So" I smiled "What are you doing ?"

"Okay I give up" he put his pair on the table "Where did you learn to play like that?"

"I don't reveal my secrets" I smirked . I Haven't lost my touch .

"Play again?" Jake asked as he took the cards and started shuffling .

"No thanks" I replied "I'm gonna walk, see you later"

I put my phone in my back pocket and went outside again the daylight allowing me to describe the area more precisely . This could make a good drawing I thought as I pulled out my phone and took pictures of everything surrounding me . As I got deeper into the woods I heard a car parking probably not away from the house and thought that Justin had maybe invited some other people but I couldn't remember him telling me . Anyway, the walk to the waterfall seemed shorter than yesterday night and I soon found myself sitting by the river my feet swinging in the cold water . I noticed that I was surrounded by flowers I didn't see in the dark and decided to pick some up making a cute bouquet . There were all a different color and I smiled as this flowers kind of formed a rainbow flag . I climbed on the rocks and put it on top of the waterfall stucking it between two branches which seemed to have fallen from the old tree above . My heart was lighter than a few days ago and I silently thanked Justin for inviting me here when I needed it the most . For the first time I was able to see light when shadows and darkness seemed to have taken over me . I stayed here for half an hour before coming back to the house the branches cracking under my steps, the birds filling the silence with their songs . After fifteen minutes I finally  reached the cabin but had to go around a black Tesla parked in the way . I had seen this car before but couldn't remember when or where, this was weird...

I opened the door and my heart stopped as my eyes met hers . Ayla was standing in the living-room among the others Dean an arm around her shoulders smiling at me with the same petty expression he always seemed to bear on his face . From everything I could've imagine that was certainly the last one I thought of . That was a dream, rather a nightmare, he wasn't here, she wasn't here and I was gonna wake up in my bed and start the day over . But Justin's voice brought me back to reality and the reality hit harder than expected . But instead of running away like my heart was yelling at me to do my brain -for once- took the reins and I did what could annoy him the most . I walked to him gave him a hug and after that I did the same with Ayla feeling Dean's arm tightening his embrace as someone was less than a meter away from his girlfriend .

"So nice to see you guys, what are you doing here?" I asked faking the biggest smile as if seeing them together was the best thing that could happen to me.

"They're staying with us for the rest of the week" Justin said with a sigh of what appeared to be relief. He knew Dean and I weren't exactly in good terms but he didn't know about Ayla and that was probably for the best .

"We wanted to order pizzas, is that okay?" he asked obviously trying to make conversation .

"Works for me" I replied wishing for this moment to end "I've someone to call, I'll be in my room"

And with that I walked to the stairs Jake proposing a new game, Maya and Louis giggling together, Sara laughing at everything Justin was saying. Maybe the situation wasn't that weird after all. At least for them .


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