Chapter - 25 - Ball Night

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I got so tired yesterday. I remember talking with Jason, but the next moment I just slept. You can't blame me. Seriously, that man really has an incredible stamina, no wonder he works 24/7. I slowly open my eyes, and I was all alone in the room.

Jason was not there beside me and I was in his shirt. Jason must have dressed me. I was ready to move out of bed but flinched in pain. Fuck, I'm really sore down there. It's like my legs have lost the energy to walk. Anyways, I try to get down, but the door opens and there comes the most handsome man I ever saw.

I can say that he just showered because of his wet hair. They are slightly on his forehead. He wore a simple grey t-shirt and sweat pants. He brought breakfast for me. He has a huge smile on his face. He kept the breakfast beside me and sat down next to me.

"Good morning, how are you feeling?", he tucks my hair behind my ear.
"Good morning. I'm a little sore. I think I can't walk properly. What time is it?".

"Baby, it's eleven", he rolls his eyes.
"Shit!!! I'm so late. I need to go now------", I was ready to get out of bed despite of the pain, but Jason grabs my shoulder, "Relax Kira, don't worry about your work", easy for him to say this. I hold his hands.
"Laszlo, if I don't get up now, Dr. Ron will eat up my job", I say in a serious tone.

"I knew you would be worried about it, so I talked with him. He doesn't have any problem", he shruggs his shoulder. How the fuck does he handled this? It's not the first time he said this. Dr. Ron is known for his mean and strict behavior. He doesn't goes easy on anyone. And nowadays his behavior towards me is completely different. Before he was really rude and strict and now he talks politely with me and he just smiles. And that is so fucking weird.

I know that Jason is the reason behind this.
"What did you told him Laszlo?", I asked him. He opens and close his mouth, thinking about what he should answer.
"Laszlo?", I glared at him. "Nothing, just casual talk. Why don't you eat-----",
"Jason!!!", I shout out his name. Now he knows that I'm serious about it.

"Okay okay...I....I may.....I may have threatened him", he whispers but I hear it. I am shocked and he just avoids my gaze. I can't believe this man.
"Are you out of your mind!!!Do you have any idea what you did?", he is still not looking at me.

I grab him by his shirt, "You can't do that Jason I-----", he cuts me off in middle.
"Laszlo baby, call me Laszlo", he grins at me. He is clearly distracting me.
"You are turning me on babe", he leans forward, his lips are brushing mine. I was nearly falling in his trap, but then it suddenly hits me and I push him back.

"Don't you dare try to seduce me", he winks at me.
"I'm serious Laszlo. You can't keep doing that I can handle him, you don't need to do any of this. Not all days should go good and happy. Sometimes it's okay to have a bad day. Dr. Ron, he is my boss and he has every right to shout on me if I do anything wrong. It's part of my job. Promise me, you won't do this again", I hold his hands in mine.

"I know that he is your boss, but that doesn't mean that he has the right to say anything rubbish about you. And that guy is the biggest scumbag I ever met. You don't know Kira, but that man doesn't eat your job but he eats all the money and do nothing. I won't promise you that, because if anyone says anything about my woman, I will make sure he or she will regret it", there's no point to fight on this with him.

"You'll be the end of me", I kiss his hand and his cute smile appears on his face.
"Now pick me up, I need to freshen up", I open my arms for him. He chuckles and picks me up. I got freshen up and sat for breakfast. He said that he already ate before I woke up.

As I was finished eating the food, he said, "Will you attend a ball party with me?", he asked.
"Umm..what kind of ball?", he is massaging my leg. It really fees good.
"Well, it is a party held by my business partner. And he has invited every rich businessman and famous peoples. My family is going to be there too. Mama said that she wants you there too."

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