Chapter Thirty-Six

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Asher finally came home around 8 p.m. Its almost three in the morning; meaning, its technically Friday. The day that Malcom gave us until he 'takes action.' Asher is sound asleep, but my nerves are keeping me awake. I've been laying here for almost an hour, unable to sleep.

Honestly, I'm terrified. I'm afraid of what Malcom will do. I'm afraid for my mate, for Matthew, for my small non-blood family, for all the people protecting me, and for the Blue Moon Pack. When word gets out that I'm their Luna, there will be a huge target on each of the pack members' backs. Obviously Jacob's group already tried, knowing that I would want to protect my pack members. When I'm officially Luna, they will be my new weakness. When Malcom finds out that Asher and I aren't mated, he might do something crazy. I don't want anyone to get hurt. I just want everyone safe.

I slowly climbed out of bed and Asher subconsciously reached out for me. He grabbed the pillow that I was laying on, and cuddled with it. A smile spread across my face as he inhaled my scent and purred. I still don't understand why we purr. We're not cats.

I quietly left Asher's room, then made my way to my office. I passed by a few guards that gave me curious looks, but didn't ask any questions. I walked into my office and sat in my desk chair. Just a few weeks ago, this was Mom's office. I looked around the room, that was still filled with all my mother's stuff. She has at least 70 books on the shelves, framed paintings and family photos hang on the walls, two black leather love-seats, and her favorite grey rug that still has paint splatters. 

I remember when we made those stains. Matthew, Shawn, and I were painting in the living room, the rug used to be in there. We had a paint fight, and the rug ended up getting splattered. Mom washed it, but it never came off. She ended up putting a beige one in the living room, and putting the grey rug in here. I'm not sure if she was hiding our mess or if she enjoyed the reminiscing feeling by being around it.

I continued to randomly roam around the office. I sat on my mom's life sized teddy bear. I inhaled her faint scent of vanilla. I missed her scent so much. I missed my dad's earthy scent also. I went through the door that connected the King and Queen's offices.

Dad's office doesn't look as professional as my mother's. His shelves are filled with movies, he has billboards filled with random pictures, one long leather couch, a billiards-table, and of course, his favorite chair. The burger chair, that he wouldn't let any of us sit on.

He absolutely loved that chair. I slowly sat down on the plush chair, and inhaled his scent. It comforted me. I dragged the chair out of his office, and into mine.

I sank down in the burger chair and cuddled with the huge teddy bear. My parents' scents surrounded me, I felt safe.

"Eve?" someone called from outside the door. I ignored it and buried my face in the bear. The bear's fur got wet from the tears that escaped my eyes.

I don't even know why I'm crying. I've always missed them, but I guess its really getting to me now. I understand that they're not coming back, that I'll never see them in person, that they won't be here to hold me. They won't be here to guide me through how to deal with Malcom. They won't be here for any of my ceremonies. 

Light shone in the office as someone opened the door. I clutched tighter onto the bear and silently cried. None of this was fair. I could've killed Jacobs. I could've had his entire group slaughtered. It would have been somewhat justice for my parents; but I shown mercy. My first decision as a Queen, I decided not to get revenge. I decided to hear him out. I decided to let him live. It was complicated. But now I was beginning to see how he felt. I was now in a similar situation, being forced onto another person and feeling like I didn't have control or a choice. I understood him. He understood me. He wanted a second chance. I decided to give him one.

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