🥀Prologue 🥀

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The room reverberated with an ominous silence as the enraged demon, known by many as a formidable force, unleashed his frustration. The atmosphere quivered with the echoes of his bellowing voice as if the walls of the darkened space shuddered in response to his wrath. A loud crack echoed through the room, marking the violent demise of a once-sturdy wooden table shattered into irreparable fragments. Objects scattered across the floor, fleeing from the seismic force of the demon's ire.

With the moon casting an eerie glow through the enormous window, the demon's imposing figure assumed the appearance of a nightmarish creature, an evil force that struck fear into the hearts of all who crossed its path. His eyes, an unsettling blend of red and black, exuded a malevolence that suggested an unholy alliance. A curtain of midnight-black hair veiled his eyes, hiding the depth of his demonic gaze.

Tattoos adorned his powerful physique, each a mark of his dark prowess. The intricate patterns seemed to writhe with life as he stood under the moonlight, reflecting the inner turmoil that lurked within. A large black and red sigil adorned his back, an emblem of his demonic lineage. He emanated an aura of both terror and allure, his tanned skin glistening under the moon's ethereal glow.

The older man, a mere mortal, stood frozen in the presence of this demonic force. The thick black book in his trembling hands held the key to a predicament that tormented the demon. His grey eyes widened with terror, beads of cold sweat forming on his forehead. The demon's bestial growl echoed through the room, reverberating with the weight of impending doom.

As the demon shifted towards the older man, his eyes narrowed, an unspoken threat hanging heavy in the air. The older man clutched the book, an ancient tome filled with mystic knowledge as if it were a lifeline. Summoning every ounce of courage, he stammered, "My...lord, I tried, but there is no way to heal it so far."

A flash of frustration contorted the demon's face, his impatience manifesting in a swift, decisive blow to the sturdy table. The older man recoiled, comprehending the depth of his master's wrath. The demon's voice, deep and resonant, cut through the air like a razor. "There must be a way! Find it!"

Quivering with trepidation, the older man hurriedly continued, "But, according to this ancient book, there is a way to cure it." He presented sheets with information and a small image, trembling hands and extending them towards the demon.

The demon's eyes bore into the pages as he absorbed the information. "Just blood?" he queried, a surprising hint of curiosity evident in his voice. The older man shook his head fervently, realizing the gravity of his revelation. "No, my lord, you need a special kind of blood...golden blood."

The demon's reaction was swift, a frown etched across his face as the implications sank in. "Magic blood?" he questioned, a glint of irritation in his eyes. The older man hesitated, then nodded, "But only an Angel, created out of pure heavenly magic, possesses golden blood. And there aren't many of them."

The demon's mind whirred with possibilities. Golden blood was the elusive key to unlocking his suppressed powers. A growl rumbled from his throat, a mixture of frustration and determination. "That's the only way, my lord."

Acknowledging the information, the demon motioned for the older man to leave. As he exited, the demon's solitude was interrupted by a seething outburst. "Oh, Lucifer, screw you!"

The chair in his vicinity became the target of his fury, smashed against the wall into splinters. Frustration boiled within him; his nearly halved powers restrained him from wreaking havoc on the mystic world. The key to his restoration was acquiring golden blood, a seemingly impossible task.

"Who cares if it's possible or not? I will reclaim my powers, no matter how long it takes. I will find the Angel with golden blood," he declared to the emptiness, his determination cutting through the darkness. As he plotted his return to dominance, a sinister vow lingered in the air.

"Lucifer, just wait. I will retrieve my powers, and then, your time will come." The demon's ominous declaration resonated in the room, foretelling a vicious storm on the horizon.




Your Authors- Sophie and my love _Castelia_21_,

We hope you all enjoyed the beginning 🌈

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