39 | Miffy Cookies

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In the midst of the worst heartache of my life, I've decided to keep writing.

I need to go back to doing things I love and perhaps this heartache will bring out the best version of myself. Thank you to all the support, it's very crazy to come back to over thousands of notifications of seeing so much praise over some silly book that I decided to write to fill the heartless romantic in me.

It's crazy to think that so many of you find comfort in my book and it really pains me to write this, but I think I write the best when I'm at my worst.

I find myself to be a reflection of Catalina and I feel as though this might be evident in my writing. She might not sound as joyous as she usually is ☹️

I love you all, enjoy the chapter.


"My little Bambi," Lorenzo skims the back of his hand against my face while his eyes were set on my face, almost like he was memorizing the wrinkles of joy he's given me. The way our eyes would lock in together every few moments had my face heating up red. He makes me feel like a silly girl. A lovesick girl.

I wonder if I can be hospitalized for love sickness. I'm almost certain it's a real thing.

"Shortcake," I whine into his neck, "You're so warm and I fit in your arms so nicely," I squeeze his biceps. Biceps that were too sculpted for his own good.

Beautiful man, I wonder if he knew it.

"Anyone ever tell you how handsome you are?"

His giggles touch my ear like a tickle before he exhales into me, "My wife tends to tell me very often." His hands roam around my body, touching my thighs, my waist, and then finally stopping at the length of my hair.

"Bella ragazza, fatta per le mie mani."

Beautiful girl, made for my hands.

"Je te donnerais le monde si je le pouvais, Lorenzo."

I would give you the world if I could, Lorenzo.

We were communicating in our native tongues. Our love was endless, it existed in every world.

In every universe.

In every language.

"You make life worth living, Catalina. Without you I would have no life, not even a soul worth existing. I wish to spend every second of forever with you, my sweet girl," he kisses the tip of my nose, "My angel."

His tone of voice was so serious, almost as though he was speaking from the heart and mind. I would have believed him if he told me the sky was green and the grass was blue.

That's how certain he sounded.

"My heart is about to fall out of my butt, mister. You're a charmer. A real good one at that. My heart feels warm and fuzzy, like a bunny. I'm a bunny right now. A cute one." I let my words fall out faster than the pace of my heart.

His giggles eventually calm into a hum, like he was lulling a baby to sleep. I find my eyes fluttering shut, the tension from my eyebrows relaxing. I felt so calm with him.

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