Chapter 1: The First Episode Where Everything's OK

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Mia was jolted awake by a pair of hands. Through the grogginess of her mind, she turned her body to look at the one who disturbed her sleep. It was her Dad, who looked at her and smiled.

"Happy Birthday, Sweetie. Hop out of bed and pack your stuff." This statement caught her off guard and caused her to fully wake up.

"What?!" she said, shocked.

"I'm kidding, but seeing that you're up, you can come down for breakfast," he said cheekily. Mia was unimpressed with her Dad's shenanigans, dropped her head on the pillow and covered her head with the blanket. "Seriously, I'm kidding. I'd never do that to you." He was worried that he upset Mia, but she knew it was a joke since it was her 21st birthday.

"I was only joking." She said mockingly as she uncovered her head and sat up. Her Dad looked relieved and replied with the same unimpressed look she previously had.

He changed his mood quickly and said, rather dramatically, "Your poor Mum and I slaved away in the early hours of the morning just so our lovely daughter could eat one of her favourite meals and this is how she treats us..." Fake sniffles could be heard as he turned his back to Mia, "It's fine, I guess we'll have to eat your share too..." He sighed as he walked away slowly, only to be stopped by Mia's protest.

"Wait, hold up, stop! That food's mine, don't you dare!" She called out. She threw off her heavy blankets and jumped out of bed and collected her robe that was draped over the edge of her bed. Her Dad laughed like a child and ran out of the room. Mia quickly followed. They raced down the hallway towards the kitchen, Mia gave it her best, but her Dad was victorious in the end.

"You only won because of your head start. Cheater!"

"You would've won if you had longer legs. Not my fault you're pint sized," he teased.

Mia's Mum came into the room, and groaned, "Guys, seriously, it's the morning, quiet down." She looked to her husband, "Will, you aren't that much taller than her in the first place, so maybe pick something better next time."

Mia glanced at Will, said "Ha" and stuck her tongue out. Will only grabbed at his chest, looked at his wife and said, "Lily, dear, how could you hurt me so." Mia and Lily ignored his dramatics. Mia walked herself to the table.

Yummy, crepes. Mia noticed that the plate in the middle had 3, instead of 2 that the other plates had, of course, she claimed the middle seat and observed its fillings. Two of the three had fruits and cream stuffed inside of them and the other one had Nutella. Will came and sat to the right of her. Mia looked towards her parents' plates on either side of her, they both had one of each.

"You know, if either of you can't finish your food, just know I'm here." She said smugly.

Lily closed the fridge as she turned to Mia, laughed and said, "Mia, you really must be hungry if you're already thinking of having more when you haven't even started eating your own food - might want to focus on that first." She walked to the counter and poured the milk into the three cups that had tea in them.

"Well, it is her favourite..." Will said as he turned to face Lily, "If she likes it that much, she'll always make room for it. Right, Sweetie?"

"If there's a will, there's a way." Mia then started to eat her food.

Will smiled, got up and walked toward his wife. "Did you need help carrying the mugs?"

"Yes, that'd be nice." Will took his and Mia's mug and carried it to the table. They came to the table, sat in their seats, and Will placed Mia's tea in front of her.

"Slow down, man, you're going to choke. '' Will noticed Mia scarfing down her crepes and started to get worried.

"No one's going to steal your food. You're going to get indigestion if you're not careful..." Lily chimed in as she started to eat.

A Chance For Change {Jujutsu Kaisen Fanfic}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora