-backstage pt1-

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Ok this is not a boy bsf imagine but this short story or whatever is an idea i had after my little experience this weekend and like i just had this though of like "what if i got kidnapped by this hot guitarist" and oms...yes! So you can imagine you're crush or whoever being a famous band member or whatever😼

So disclaimer:
Strong language
Idk if kidnapping is a trigger but just in case.
Slight Violence

let's begin😉


*Y/n's POV*

There was a free concert my parents had invited me to and well i had nothing better to do for my day so I got ready and went.

Already you had those girls fan girdling over just posters and the fact that they where going to see "hot" rockstars. But personally I had no idea who these singers where and even idea of what they where going to play.

My eyes caught my parents at a table right at the front, where the stage was.

"So you want our eardrums to burst?" I scoffed sarcastically.

"Oh honey, you'll thank me that we sat close. These men are a blessing from the god himself." My mom was also a fan girl herself I see.

I hugged my parents and sat down, ordered my drink and began updating them on my love life. To say it wasn't going great... I mean I had a lot of people willing to be with me, and I'm gullible and a hopeless romantic who just goes for it, no morals. But after a while they'll just leave with someone else because I'm just a whore to play around with and worthy of nothing as some men said.

So I stopped looking and just began looking at other things that made me happy, going out with friends, seeing family, decorating my new apartment. And honestly not a single thought of having a man has passed by my mind, and I love it!

Self love is all that matters.

"Oooo! Here they come honey!!" My mom cheered overly excited.

They're probably some old men people find oddly attractive and looking at my moms taste when watching a movie I could assume.

As they began to walk on the stage I looked up and my eyes opened wide, my mouth dropped to the floor and I instantly fell in love with the guitarist. Gosh... the man was overly gorgeous. His long black hair pulled back into a slick bun he had a jawline out of words. It was perfect. Though he hid his eye features behind shades and it only seemed to make him more attractive and mysterious.

Ok to be honest I didn't even focus on the music he was the only one that had my focus. The way his fingers worked on the guitar and the way he would look at me time to time. In love.

They had just finished and were packing up along with sighing girls T-shirts or stomachs as some of them asked. I wasn't a fan nor really participated in this small little concert, and everyone was piling at the front I needed an excuse to get out.

"Hey mom I'm going to go outside it's way to full in here and apparently it's pretty." I shrugged stepping away from my parents.

The fresh air hit me and I felt relieved. I took a walk along this pebbled path that took me to a small lake this place was on.

The moon and stars lit up the area and  the water making the night seem much more prettier.

I didn't expect to be so cold though and i felt the wind hit my skin once again making me shiver as i hugged my arms to try and warm myself.

There was a deck by the water and I walked onto it looking at the water ever so memorised.

I smiled at myself because instead of stressing over boys I'm here enjoying the slightest things, like the moonlight and stars on water.

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