chapter thirty-one.

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( SISTER FROM ANOTHER... WOMAN? ) , a change is gonna come.

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    JAMIE DOESN'T REMEMBER MANY THINGS FROM HER CHILDHOOD. However, she does remember that her father left and supposedly how upset her mother was when he never showed. Being young and completely fucking oblivious at the time made her vulnerable to the heartache and grief that was just around the corner (and more to come).

When it first happened, she was told that they were moving away to Boston which was all the way on the other side of the world, and Jamie was completely devastated because she was leaving all the friends she had made over the years and the people and places whom she felt familiar around. The one person Jamie dreaded to leave was her best friend, Lorelei Andrews.

Lorelei Andrews was the same age as Jamie, them having the exact same birthdays on the exact same year but they never actually knew which of the two were older than the other. To them, it didn't really matter to the two six year olds.

The Grey girl had been the first friend to make when the other arrived in Seattle and entered Jamie's class in the first grade. Lorelei was a rather shy girl and sometimes an overall nervous wreck, so Jamie quickly introduced her and made her feel somewhat welcomed. Jamie was always a naturally outgoing person; Lorelei was very thankful for that. The two girls did almost everything they could together and became best friends.

However, closer to the girl's 10th birthday, that's when Jamie was informed that her, Ellis, Thatcher and Meredith were moving. The eldest daughter was confused as to why they were all of a sudden packing up and moving across the country, but she didn't really have much of a choice.

The next days following, Jamie and Lorelei prepared themselves for the lonely times coming and how they were going to deal with things. The Andrews' girl even gave her friend her house phone number so that they could call every day and stayed over to help Jamie pack some of her stuff.

And the day before Jamie was about to leave, the girl's celebrated their early birthday together outside at recess away from all of the other kids and it was as good as it could be. It wasn't supposed to go that way, but it did, and that was enough for the two girls.

Flying was something Jamie loved. There was nothing to really worry about and she just had to sit back and relax until they got there. However, the weird part was that her father wasn't joining them. He had specifically told Jamie and Meredith that he would be coming down later because he had to finish up some work back at home.

But he never did. Thatcher never came, never called, it's like he had vanished completely from their lives. Ellis had continued to ignore the questions her daughter's had about the subject and muttering, it's fine whenever they asked.

Jamie had truly felt the grief and the loss at such an early age. She also felt anger towards her father and why he just didn't come with them to Boston or just had the balls to explain why not. He left them, his wife, his two daughters that he always said he loved. Jamie knew then, more than ever, that it was a lie. It was always a lie.

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