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I walk down to the hall to Mr Davis office and Mrs Murphy looks up at me.

"Go on in." She says and I walk over to the office door and open it.

I see Maddie and her mom sitting down and my mom and sister there too.

"Spencer, come sit." Mr Davis said.

I sit down next to my sister and Mr Davis crosses his arms on his desk.

The door opens again and I look back and Juliet peeks her head in. We make eye contact and then she looks to Mr Davis.

"Hello, you wanted to see me?" She says confused.

"Yes some students said that you were around when this...incident happened."

"Oh yeah I was with Mr o Brian actually, do you want to me to go get him?"

"No Juliet come in and sit down." He says.

God this is weird.

She comes over ands sits down next to me, the only free seat.

"Alright Miss St James will you please tell me your side?" He asks her and smiles politely.

"Yes, so basically I was outside enjoying my lunch with my friends and I seen Spencer sitting by herself. I felt bad so I asked her does she want to sit with us and she started shouting at me, I think it's because her friends started hanging out with me and they said themselves they don't want to be around Spencer. She's quite toxic and-"

She stops talking when I start laughing. Sam elbows me and I cover my mouth trying not to laugh.

"See, she can't even take this seriously, anyway after that I told her she needs to calm down and she slapped me and of course my friends are gonna help get off of me. It-"

I snort and Sam elbows me again. I look up and see Mr Davis looking at me.

"What is so funny Spencer?" Maddie looks to me.

"What's funny? That straight up bullshit coming from you, im not gonna sit here and say I didn't slap her. I slapped her because she deserved it and I sure as hell would do it again. She treats everyone in this school like some sort of slaves. She acts like a angel around the teachers and other staff members but when it comes to students she bullies them. You would only care about bullying if she pushed someone over the edge. She thinks she's so funny but she's not her friends stay by her side because their afraid about what will happen if their not on her side." I look over to Maddie and her fists are shut closed.

"This is straight up lies Mr Davis-"

"Actually, if I may interrupt. A student has come to me crying saying she was being bullied by Maddie and several other students I have talked to are scared to come to school sometimes because they fear of what their wearing doesn't live up to Maddie's expectations, their scared she won't like their hair and other things these young beautiful girls shouldn't have to worry about. They come to school to learn not to be afraid to come over one girl." I smile as Juliet speaks up.

"Alright, is there any proof of this bullying." He says and sits back in his chair.

"There's no proof, their both lying." Maddie raises her voice and her mom whispers something.

"In my opinion, I think Spencer here is only acting out because she cheated on my Maddie and got caught, maybe Maddie wouldn't go back to her and now she's getting angry about it." Maddie's mom says, what the hell.

"I didn't cheat on Maddie first, I walked in on her with some other girl at a party but everyone believes sweet little Maddie."

"Spencer shut up or I'll tell mr Davis your dirty little secret." Maddie looks over to me and I look back at her confused.

Miss Levine {wlw, teacherxstudent}Where stories live. Discover now