Chapter Twenty One - Apology

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That's betrayal.

I couldn't believe that Adam only became friends with Rio just to get to Dalilah.

What a dick.

"I agree," Rio said making me arch my brows in confusion.

"Oh, I said that out loud?"

"Yes, you did," he grinned and kissed my cheek. "So, what do you think about Angelica coming here to apologize?" he asked.

"I don't know. I guess I wouldn't believe her because after all, she told Giovanni that I am pregnant."

"But we're still not sure she did," he said with a shrug.

"True, but no one knows besides this family and the Martinez," I said.

"You're right." He huffed.

"I am sorry if I am complicating things," I said, averting my eyes to my lap.

"Don't say that," he said, frowning. "You are not complicating anything, only those who think that you are, are the ones complicating everything."

I laid my head on his shoulder and took my hand in his. "Rio, I'm scared."


"When the baby is born, what am I going to do?"

"What do you mean what you're going to do? We will take care of her together."

My heart...


"Well, I have thought about it and I want a girl. I get to spoil her."

The fact that he wanted to take care of my baby and, be...kind of a father, made me want to cry. We only kissed a few times and I was sure that I wanted to be with forever, but I was still scared.

"Only if you want me to be in her life, of course..." he nervously said, avoiding looking at my eyes. "I am going too fast, right? I am sorry," he added.

"No, no, it's okay. I'm just shocked you want know...stay with me like f-forever," I nervously said as I fidgeted with my fingers.

"Leila, I know we haven't known each other for long, but I would never just kiss you like that without wanting something more."

"Something more like what?" I asked, waiting for him to say what my heart wanted to hear.

"Something more like marriage and kids, Leila."

As soon as he said that, my cheeks burnt like hell and my stomach was swimming in butterflies.


What a word I used to hate but loved it as soon as Rio said it.

Without saying anything, I crashed my lips onto his in a deep, zealous kiss.

I moaned when he kissed me deeper, forcing his tongue into my mouth. He placed his hands on my waist and pulled me closer to him until I was sitting on his lap.

I put my hands around his neck as I enjoyed the kiss.

When we broke the kiss, we smiled like teenagers who kissed for the first time.

"I take it that you liked that idea?" he asked with a grin.

"What idea?" I teased as he rolled his eyes playfully.

"You know what idea," he shyly replied.

Why was he so shy all of a sudden?

"Yes, I like it," I said, giggling.

He then looked at my stomach and asked, "I know it's too early to say this but, do you want more kids?"

I was a little shocked when he asked me that because I didn't think about having more kids. Not that I don't want, but I just didn't think about it.

"I don't know...I haven't thought about it. But now that I do, I do see myself having more kids I guess," I replied.

"Good because I can't wait to have them with you."

* * *


"Hey, come in," I greeted Callie and her family.

I had a bad feeling that day. I didn't know what might happen and that irked me. I also didn't know how Leila would react to Angelica apologizing, that if she apologized.

Good thing she did.

When everyone got seated, Demetrio and Leila walked into the living room and sat away from each other. They didn't want anyone to know that they like each other, and I preferred not telling anyone. Good thing that Dalilah didn't know because we all knew that she would tell Adam as soon as they are alone.

Angelica looked at Leila and for one second, I saw hatred. But it was gone as soon as it came.

Lorenzo and Mateo were talking about work but Callie shut them up.

On the other hand, I could sense Callie stealing looks at Leila. I wondered what she was thinking.

"Angelica, is there something you want to say?" Mateo said in an authoritative voice.

Angelica swallowed hard before looking at Leila and said, "I am sorry for what I said and did before. You didn't deserve all of that. I just sometimes...act without thinking."

Leila looked at her in amusement. Everyone was waiting for Leila's reaction but we saw nothing.

"Okay," Leila replied after a minute or so.

Angelica frowned and I could tell that she was angry and wanted to yell, but one look from her father shut her up.

I cleared my throat, trying to cut some of the tension off, but it was of no use.

"I just want to make sure that you remember that I killed your friend," Leila suddenly spoke up.

"I do," Angelica replied as she glared at her.

"Good because I still don't understand why you would let something like that go," Leila said, making the problem worse than it was.

"I just know that you had your reasons. I could tell you are a good person, Leila. You wouldn't do that without a reason," Angelica replied with all honesty, shocking me.

I didn't think she would be the one to calm the situation down.

"Thank you, Angelica," Leila said and smiled.

"Good!" I stood up and said, "Since it's settled, let's eat, shall we?"

"Oh, you bought food?" Lorenzo asked in excitement.

Poor, man.

"No, honey. You will grill some stuff for us," I replied, making his smile fade immediately.

"That's not fair!" He groaned, making Mateo laugh.

"Mateo, don't be too happy, you will make me food tomorrow," Callie said, wiping Mateo's happy face off.

* * *

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