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Neither of you said anything after he had entered the room you just stood there staring at him waiting for something to happen. Only his jaw was bruised his nose looked kind of crooked. Did you do that or was it like that before?

This had been going on for a good three minutes, or maybe it has only been 30 seconds. Time, time was so hard to keep track of now.

"Are you just going to stand there?" Tim asked. You hated how this man talked to you like he's know you for years. Well maybe he did you, you know with all the stalking. And you only noticed for the last four months.

"What else am I supposed to do." You mumbled out kinda hoping he didn't hear you. But alas he did, or heard part of it.

"What?" Tim said in a kinda warning voice which would've been enough to have you shaking.

You looked down to the carpeted floor this was more interesting then listening to him. If you were the you two years ago you would be sobbing right now, actually the fact that you aren't crying should be a red flag.

A hand. A hand had grabbed your chin and forced you to look up at its face. Tim's face. His other had held a death grip on your shoulder your bruised shoulder. Asshole. You think this man has some serious anger issues.

"What did you say, darlin'?" Tim asked in a warning tone. Fuck you! Is something you desperately wanted to say to him. But you couldn't you were shaking now this man could kill you if he wanted.

But you (y/n) are a complete dumb ass and apparently kinda strong for plot convenience.

You pushed him off of you. He stumbled back a bit and stared you down. You looked at him and his face was visibly heating up from anger. Why would you do that (y/n) stupid.

Backing up the slightest just to put more space between you two you didn't care now you would beat his ass. Actually he would probably beat yours first but you would still fight him.

Tim let out a huff. He looked like he was about to strangle you. You literally fucking blinked and this man was fucking lungeing at you.

Tim grabbed you by the hair and shook you a bit. then he grabbed your wrist and held onto it as if he would die if he didn't.

"don't you ever fucking do that again you little shit!!" Tim yelled at you and you shut your eyes closed you didn't want to look at him.

You heard footsteps come up the stairs and stop at the door way. You waited for who you assumed was Brain to tell Tim to stop or something but he just silently watched.

Tim had let go of you. You slowly opens your eyes. You saw Tim's fist right before it hit you square in the nose.

You didn't even let out a sound you just stumbled away and held your hands to your nose.

"Now we match." He said snarkily.

It hurt like hell you back away into the corner of the room the blood running through your hands and down your face.

Did he break your nose. No. Maybe. You weren't sure but you were getting pretty dizzy that hurt a lot maybe you deserved it.

No you didn't do anything wrong. That punch was just him being an ass. You moved your hands away from your face to look at them blood was getting everywhere but you could care less.

Tim let out a string of curses and walked out of the room and out of the house to. You know this cause he fucking slammed the door so hard your sure there was cracks in it.

Brian stayed silent and watched the whole thing go down he was still in the door way.

He walked towards you and you flinched violently as his hand pulled you towards him. A hug? This man was hugging. It was so oddly comforting and sad.  You got blood on his sweater..

He could've stopped this. You weren't thinking straight what was happening.

Brains voice pulled you out of your thoughts.

"You should have just come downstairs like I told you to."

He stated. Oh. He was mad at you and this is his way of manipulating you into thinking that he was the good guy in this.

"Bathroom." was all you said though he seemed to know what you meant by that and pulled away form you taking you wrist and leading you to the bathroom.

Brian had told you sit on the bathtub ledge and you did. You didn't want to look at him so you looked at the floor instead. As he washed blood off of your face and hands he mumbled something about an apology you weren't really listening you were to lost thinking.

But you weren't thinking about anything at all what were you thinking about maybe the punch or the kindness Brian was showing to you. All you knew was you needed an out maybe if you behaved for awhile they would trust you more.

Wishful thinking.

"All done." Brian said plainly. You looked up at him.

"T-thanks." You said in a shaky voice you were scared to talk. He was right though if you came downstairs when he told you to this wouldn't have happened. You'd be fine and eating breakfast.

Brian silently watched you waiting for more of a response. When he saw he wasn't going to get one he sighed and spoke again.

"Let's go back to your room and i'll bring your breakfast up, yeah?"

You nodded and stood up still looking at the floor. Walking into your room as Brian went to grab your food you saw your blood on the floor. It wasn't scary because you knew it was your own but was scary is that you were on your own sure it would only be for a minute but what if Tim came back.

You sat on your bed and waited for Brian to come back and he did. In his hands was a plate of eggs bacon and toast which was a little confusing. Why was he giving you this,? He definitely wanted something in return you had picked up on that after not getting to eat supper last night and the zip tie thing.

He set the plate down on the night stand and leans on the wall just watching you. Like always never a minute of privacy you bet he was even watching you sleep last night.

You looked over at him and gave him a questioning look.

"Eat." Was all he said. So you took the plate off the nightstand and began eating. It was actually pretty good but you weren't going to say that to him.

"Thank you." You said and set the plate back onto the nightstand.

Brian nodded and grabbed the plate he was leaving downstairs.

The door was locked again you weren't safe but you felt kinda safe alone. When the door was locked.


What time was it? you had been laying on the bed for what felt like hours. But you don't even know if it's only been thirty minutes.

You needed a way to tell time. This sucked it was making you insane.

Maybe if you behave they'll buy you a clock.

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