Chapter 8

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"We... We... kissed!"

The room fell completely silent for a moment after Andrea's high-pitched squeal filled the entire room, a freckled hand smacking over her mouth a moment later as she realized just how loud she'd been. I shrunk into myself with embarrassment, attempting to hide behind the comforting enclosure of my hair as everyone turned to look at us for a moment. However, almost as soon as it began, chatter filled the air again and our little outburst was (hopefully) long forgotten.

"Sorry, I was just so excited..." Andrea apologized, her brows knitting together with sincerity as she removed the top of her own metal lunch container.

"...But that's huge, Ari! I mean, just a few days ago you were telling me how he barely even wanted to acknowledge your existence - which I think is still pretty freakin' rude no matter what you say - " she mumbled that last part, putting her palms up in defense as she anticipated my usual response. "But this has to mean he at least feels something for you, right?" She half-questioned, half-declared as her voice tilted upward with hope.

"Andrea, this whole transition has been hard on everyone... I don't blame him for taking a little longer than others to warm up, not all couples jump under the sheets the first night like you and your Soulmate. I've waited for him since age six, it won't kill me to wait a little longer! Plus, I'm sure he will eventually come around if I keep diligently tending to all of his needs." I explained for the umpteenth time, addressing her opinion on his behavior.

Andrea opened her mouth to speak, but I held up an indignant finger, indicating that I wasn't finished. She simply huffed, placing her hand underneath her chin before gesturing for me to continue.

However, as I thought of how to explain the second part, my eyes involuntarily crinkled as I looked down with a slightly embarrassed grimace, knowing the truth behind the kiss was much less romantic than my hopeful brain would like to make me think.

"...And... well... in regards to the kiss... it was not exactly carried out... willingly." I whispered under my breath, tucking my hands underneath my thighs as I attempted to make myself look as small as possible in my chair.

"What?! Did he force you? Oh hell no, I'm gonna rip him a new one, I swear to the Elders I -"

"No, no, no!" I countered, slipping my hands out from underneath my thighs and waving them wildly as I quickly realized that my wording was all wrong. "He didn't make me kiss him, I swear, it was his mom! She was so adamant about getting a picture of us kissing and... and he didn't want to disappoint her I guess..." I trailed off, looking down to pick at the corner of my nails as I awaited her response, although I glanced up through my lashes every now and then to gauge her reaction.

"Oh..." Came her simple reply after a few moments of hesitation, eyes absently scanning the table as she focused on gathering up her thoughts. "... well... how did it feel?" she asked as she lifted her head, sending my cheeks directly into another round of flamethrower activity.

"It was... amazing." I breathed out, a whine escaping the back of my throat as I recalled the ripe plumpness of his lips, the strength of his muscles as he pressed me into his body, or the way his mouth dominated mine in a way that pleased the very core of the submissive genetics that were quite literally downloaded into the foundation of my being.

Quite literally everything about Thaddeus was perfect, he just needed a little fine tuning was all.

"... Well, it was amazing until..." I mumbled absentmindedly as the not-so-rosy side of last night's events finally floated into the forefront of my memory. It was like my brain just didn't want to fully accept the rest of what happened in an effort to preserve our Soulmate's untarnished image.

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