Chapter 29: A Ring and Three Gifts

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Titus wrapped his arm around my waist and guided me out of the dark dungeon and into the light. Adjusting to the light took a few minutes as I took in what was before me; Titus was right, there was a bloodbath. I covered my mouth with my hand in an attempt to hide the shock. 

Turning to him I asked, "are ours okay?"

"Minor injuries only," he continued to lead me toward a slightly overgrown road where there were several cars waiting. Lux and Alyx stood outside whispering between themselves. They stopped as we approached. 

"Thank you," I mumbled and bowed my head toward them. 

"There is nothing to thank us for. You are family, you needed help, we came. That's what families do," Alyx answered with a cheery smile. She reached her arms out toward me, "may I?" I nodded and her motherly arms wrapped themselves around me in a tight embrace. Her presence alone was so calming but her touch was so soft and kind I felt like I was back in my mother's arms. I pulled back and with her big green eyes pouring into mine I pulled her forward and touched our foreheads together. 

Lux came next, pulling me into an unexpectedly tight hug for such a small woman. "I'm glad you're alright. Now we can rebuild." I raised an eyebrow at her. "I'm sure you'll understand that Titus destroyed half of the house and most of his office."

"Lux," he groaned from behind me. I turned and shot him a look before turning back to his sister. 

"I'm sure we can fix it." I touched my forehead to hers as well and smiled. This was what a real family felt like. I had almost forgotten. 

Titus pulled me back out of his sister's arms and into his own. Lux put her hand on her hip and shot him a dirty look. He growled lowly at her. "I need her." Titus kept his arms around me and guided me toward one of the cars. He opened the door and helped me inside. It was hard to bend and sit with the cuts on my legs still aching from the silver. He tried to control it but I could tell he was angry. 

The car started and the two of us were left alone again. I sat in his lap with my head leaned into his shoulders. 

"Are you tired?" He whispered.

"Exhausted," I sighed and nuzzled my nose into him. 

"Why not get some sleep? There's time."

"I want to know what happens next." 

There was a tense pause. "What do you mean?" 

"We go home and then what?"

"Philious has been detained to stand trial. I think we should hold your Luna ceremony and then we will preside over his sentencing."

"What about Petron and Mardock?" Titus tensed even more under me. 

"They're dead." 

"Good," I yawned and found a comfortable spot to rest my head against him. 

He chuckled softly and kissed my forehead. "Not the response I was expecting."


"My love?" 

"When we get there, just carry me in?" 

"Of course Liana." 

Sleep took me easily and the dreams were filled with happy images of Titus and I at my ceremony, the feeling of Alyx hugging me, the feeling of freedom, and the realization that I had never felt so free in all my life. The next chapter was for me to write. 

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