Introducing Mason Cutly

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The voice of abuse
Is silent

The playground was filled with laughter, Mason sat on a park bench watching his little sister swinging back and forth. Her yellow hoodie pulled over his head. He couldn't help the smile that found it's way to his lips, pushing away his toxic smirk for a second.

"She's beautiful." A woman stated, her greying hair pulled into a neat bun.

"I know." Mason nodded his eyes never leaving his sister.

"Do you both suffer at home?"

This caught his attention he looked at the woman in disgust, "Of course we don't suffer at home. What type of question is that?"

"I'm a psychiatrist just up state, that child suffers from severe trauma. Could be abuse, or simply witnessing it." The woman clarified.

Mason looked back at his sister which now that he thought about it, he hasn't seen for at least a month if not more.

But should he trust this stranger?

"How?" he asked.

"She keeps tugging on her sleeves making sure to cover her arms, she flinches from everytime someone lifts their hands near her. She's underweight that's why she's wearing baggy clothes if you haven't noticed, and she's not socializing with anyone at the playground." The woman listed as if it was the easiest thing to do. "I'm Claire,"

"But, I don't understand.." Mason frowned taking in everything Claire said. Soon the picture became clear to him.

Claire sighed, "I've studied all my life to be a psychiatrist, I know when a child's been abused."

Nodding Mason stood up walking towards his sister. Lucy smiled up at him jumping off the swing almost immediately. Mason gave her a hug as soon as she approached, picking up her sleeves slightly and Lucy flinched.

Small scrapes, cuts, and bruise's filled her chocolate skin. His frown deepened.

How could the voice of abuse be so silent?


Mason had always been more toxic than anything, intimidating and scary whenever approached. A child of divorce and emotionally closed off. His only soft spot had been his sister he lost to suicide.

Working hard to accomplish his goal-Being a psychologist-Mason never gives up. He listens to everyone but never speaks of himself unless comfortable. Getting close to one person had always been his struggle.

Mason just needs the escape from his sister's abuse he threw a blind eye on without meaning to. That's what brought him to the Lost Island...

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