Chapter VII

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The kids had just finished dressing up but they were all slightly anxious about going out with Beyoncé.

Some more than others....

What if this is just a ploy for her to throw us out somewhere without miss Nicki knowing our whereabouts. Blue thought anxiously.

What if she just wants us to help do her office work. Sir thought liking the idea of helping her, so she'd like them better.

She may just wanna take us out for ice-cream cause she likes us now, but is too shy to admit it. Rumi thought shrugging.

Who even is this lady. The last little boy thought crawling around on the bed after Blue had helped him to change into a cute little outfit.

They all soon got ready and met Beyoncé who was sitting on the couch in the living room with her phone in hand tapping the floor tiles with her foot anxiously.

"Took y'all long enough." She said getting up. "Look there may be a few flashes of cameras here and there when we get down the car, but don't answer any questions being asked and just walk straight ahead." She briefed as they all left the house and got into one of Bey's many luxurious cars.


"Wow, there are soooo... many cameras!" Sir spoke stunned looking out the window.

They soon pulled up on front of the building, her body guards had gotten out before them and was trying to make a pathway through the crowd of paparazzi.

Rumi started whimpering at all the loud noises, before she then started crying... Loudly.

"What the heck is wrong with your sister?!" Beyoncé directed towards Blue trying the get the little girl to quiet down.

"It's the noises." Blue said picking her up and bouncing her in her lap a little but it wasn't working instead it only made her cries louder.

Beyoncé then decided to take matters into her own hands taking Rumi from her sister and placing her into her own lap, despite the fact she didn't like kids, she just needed this one to shut up and stop making so much noise.

She wasn't even the youngest but she sure as hell was acting like it.

Bouncing her a little, she started humming a little tune in her ear..

'Blackbirds singing at the dead of night.
Take this broken wings and learn to fly all your life.. you were only waiting for this moment to arise'

She sang the tune from boss baby hoping it'd take her mind off the noises and it did. She soon stopped crying and started sniffing and soon enough she was fast asleep.

The guards came awhile after helping them out the car and through the paparazzi.

"Beyoncé, who's kids are these?!"

"Yoncé, is there gonna be an album release anytime soon?!"

"When is the new ivy park line coming out?!"



They finally made it into the building after all the noise and ruckus outside, with Papa sleeping silently in Blue's arms and Rumi doing the same in Beyoncé's while Sir just stood there holding on to Blue's shirt.


"Wow.. you're office is really nice." Sir said moving around touching everything.

"Sir stop touching stuff." Blue said making him stop and go back over standing by her.

"Y'all can come sit over here, while I work." Beyoncé said laying Rumi down on the couch in her office before walking over to her desk to start on her work.


"Yeah?" Beyoncé asked looking away from her laptop as she felt a light tap on her knee.

"I'm hungry." Sir said fiddling with the ends of his shirt a little hoping he hadn't made her mad or distracted her from her work.

Beyoncé looked towards his other siblings who were sound asleep on the couch, she then looked at her watch seeing it was almost four in the evening..

She sighed deciding that, that was enough work for the day..

"Okay. Go wake your siblings up and we can go get some food." she said shutting off her laptop.

"Thank you, miss." the little boy smiled running over to his siblings, she didn't know why she just felt slightly uncomfortable with him calling her miss.. it just felt a little too formal.

"Oh.. what am I even thinking. I've barely even known these kids for two days." She thought to herself.


"Thank you, miss." the kids all said in unison as she gave them their food, when asked what they wanted they all didn't even know what was on the menu so she just got them whatever she felt like.. and it seemed like they really liked it from the satisfied looks on their faces.

"Blue blue, this food is soooo good." Rumi not-so-quietly whispered in Blue's ears.

"I know." the older girl replied taking a large bite into her burger.

For some reason it made Beyoncé feel really good that she managed to make the kids happy even though it was the littlest things.

But she was still determined to find out more about this children at all cost.. and that's exactly what she was gonna do.

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