I Did Something Bad

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"Wait," Steve falters, noticing your absence as the chaos of the moment dies down. He sticks his hand out to Wanda, who's assured everyone that she's okay and that there's no need to fuss over her because as terrible as the moment was, you didn't purposely hurt her- she's sure of it. "Where did she go?"

"It's fine, FRIDAY will know where she went," Tony assures him, then proceeds to ask FRIDAY what was your last known location.

And the AI doesn't know.

All FRIDAY knows is you went out the window into the heavily wooded area alongside the compound.

"Sam's going to kill us," Steve exhales, shutting his eyes and pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Okay, let's not panic," Tony starts. "We just have to find her before Sam gets back and realizes she's gone. Or before she destroys the city or something."

"Are you insane? We need to call Sam and tell him what happened!" Steve hisses, refusing to let Tony talk him into any more terrible ideas.

"Tony, honestly, that was as much our fault as it was hers. Probably even more so," Nat reconciles, immediately siding with Steve.

"And how do you figure that?" Tony sarcastically questions.

"I told you that the training wasn't a good idea, but did you listen? No!" Steve scolds. "I told you she wasn't another one of your experiments, but did that stop you? Of course not."

"Oh like you-"

"Okay, blaming each other isn't going to help find her," Nat interjects. "We're wasting time bickering back and forth when she could be anywhere right now."

"So how do we find her? Those woods are a lot bigger than they seem and I don't know if you've noticed, she's kinda got an edge over us."

"We call Sam," Steve repeats, this time his tone more demanding.

"You want to tell Sam we lost an entire person. Better, you want to tell him how we lost an entire person?"

"Who else would know where she would go?"

"I know who," Steve says, already pulling out his phone.


"What the hell happened?" Bucky demands, striding into the conference room looking particularly irate- especially considering all that Steve told him over the phone was that there was an accident, and now you were missing. Furious and worried didn't even begin to describe how Bucky felt.

"Bucky..." Steve says, stepping in front of the Bucky to try and stop him before he kills Tony. "It was an accident."

"An accident?" Bucky glowers, stopping just short of Tony and Steve. "What kind of accident makes a person go missing?"

"If you'd stop yelling we'd show you," Tony retorts, rolling his eyes.

"Show me," Bucky orders. And the footage he sees does nothing to assuage his anger.

"What did you do to her?" Bucky hisses, his head snapping away from the screen to Wanda, who's face is contorted with a guilt-ridden expression.

"What did Wanda do?" Clint challenged, having shown up as the rest of the team were coming through security footage to figure out where you'd run off to.

"I can't believe you called Bucky. He's not doing anything except yelling at me! " Tony seethes.

"He knows her better than all of us," Steve reconciles. "I thought he might know where she might've run off to."

"Well, do you?" Tony snarks. "Or are you just here to defend your girlfriend?"

Bucky ignores Tony's snide comment, taking another step toward the man. "I've been on countless missions with her and she's never done anything like that. Never hurt a single person until Wanda started poking around in her head."

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