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Jezzabelle Johnson


The only word in my head at the time.

Was yes.

Just thinking back to two weeks ago when Leo decided to reveal in front of everyone at our school that night at the beach that he wanted me to promise myself to him. With a promise ring he said his mother helped him pick out for me.

Thank fucking god that he didn't propose to me. I would've strangled him on the spot if he did.

As much as I loved Leo, I had no plans what so ever on marriage and kids with him.

I never wanted kids and marriage in my life.

And I definitely didn't want to get married to someone who forced a fake smile on his face while doing stuff behind my back with another female.

Never once did I think Leo, the man I fell for 4 years ago, would ever do some sneaky shit like this to me.

Of course I would've understood if he was cheating on me because of the whole friends with benefits thing I had going on with Cole. I would've respected his decision to dump my cheating ass right then and there.

But after spending the past two weeks after homecoming, I found out that Leo had been keeping contact with my own fucking bestfriend secretly for the past two years.

Two fucking years! Ha!

Who would've known it would be that easy for them to keep a secret from me like that for 2 whole fucking years.

I never once doubted my own relationship with Leo until now.

He made it seem like he was head over heels for me through our whole relationship, while he was flirting and probably fucking my best friend half of the years we've been together.

How did I found out?

It didn't take long for me to get to his cell service provider and figure out who he's been texting and calling every day when I'm not around. Then after finding out the number belonged to Cindy and it traced their phone history all the way back to when we were juniors in high school and me and Leo were on a break during our Christmas break.

I mean, yeah me and Leo were always on and off due to him being clingy and me wanting to break up due to how far distant he was from me with him being in college so far away from the high school we started dating in.

I've repeated myself so many times about his neediness complaints about wanting me to drive to his college every fricken weekend. I didn't even have my own car so how the hell was I gonna see him every freakin weekend?!

So we had multiple breaks when I was to angry to talk to him but let him beg himself back into my life every time afterwards due to him saying he was in love with me and that we shouldn't let our relationship perish over every little argument we had.

And at the time, I was always weak for his pleading eyes and the make up sex helped quite a bit.

But after staring at the large diamond studded ring on my finger now, my once fast beating heart that swelled for him was now covered in sharp hard breaking ice.

Not only was I was naive, but I let all the obvious signs of Leo's relationship with Cindy pass by me like a fool.

Thinking about it now, I didn't even bat an eye when I would find them together at his dorm before many times I visited him and he told me she was just talking to him about fixing our relationship.

Then there were the school holiday breaks we spent together and she was always gone around the same time he would say he was in the bathroom or had to go somewhere. I didn't question it at the time since I was so fucking blind and naive to mistake my best fucking friend since I was 5 would ever be messing with my own boyfriend.

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