{Chapter 25}

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Catheline's POV:

Tonight, I was going to prove myself. Well, at the least, I was going to prove myself to myself.


The sky was nearly dark and the stars were gleaming brightly. There was no sign of dark rainy clouds, which was a good sign to me.

"Yes, your Grace?" She asked.

I was near the window, stroking the owl I received this morning. He was named Leonard and he was quite an adorable creature. Although I miss Mimy, there was nothing I could do. She was in a better place now.

"Karra, I wish to sleep early and I do not want anyone to disturb me," I told her sternly.

Although confused, she nodded and left the room. I sighed and patted Leonard gently. I slowly approached my table and took the small sheet of paper.

"Dear Father, it is very joyful to be able to talk to you again. I have missed you dearly and have some very special news. I think I and m husband have resolved our issues and for now, he seemed to look after me. Your daughter is fine, please take care of your health,"

I rolled it up and approached Leonard. It was hooting in a low voice and I smiled.

"Leonard, please take this to Peliasse," I told him as I lifted its leg and gently tied the letter.

After it was done, I carefully placed him in my hands and moved them out the window. After a gentle push, he hooted and flew away into the sky. I wondered if it would reach my father. If it did not, I hoped Leonard would come back safely. With a sigh, I looked at the secret compartment.

It was time to be her again.

I wore my warrior attire and roamed the castle in stealth. It was past midnight. The hallways were silent and ghostly as I paid attention to every detail. I walked through the hallways and there was no human in sight yet. I did manage to pass a few guards but luckily, they did not notice me. That was something that both scared and relieved me.

What should I do?

I could not just roam the castle pointlessly. There must be some clue.

I wandered the servant's chambers and expected nothing strange. As I was about to take a turn into another hallway, I found someone. I paused and stared at a hooded figure walking through the hallway without noticing me. It was someone from the maid's chambers.

Who was that?

I took a deep breath and started to follow that individual.

As the hooded figure walked to a darker part of the castle, I started to wonder how big this place was. There were even lesser guards stationed in this region. As that person reached the end, I hid behind a pillar. A few seconds later, there was a voice.

"No one suspects me." A woman's voice said.

"Good. What news have you collected?" Some unknown voice was heard. It was a man.

"The King has not taken any actions yet. But he has started to suspect Lord Esther. He should be more careful. The King and the Queen seemed to have bonded," The woman reported.

My mind was filled with many thoughts. So, I was right. There were spies right under our noses and no one noticed. The woman's voice has been embedded in my mind and I could recognize her if she ever makes an appearance in front of me.

"Good. What about the others?"

"I told you, no one has suspected me,"

I needed to find out more about this secret conspiracy. Who was this mysterious man? Was he the one who was helping the spies to stay hidden? I could not recognize the voice as someone familiar.

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