waking up

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Beep. Beep. Beep.
The machine wouldn't stop. I groaned as the sound pierced through my head, worsening the ache. Mutter and murmurs filled my ears as i realised, I wasn't alone.

My curiosity got the best of me, so I opened my eyes; at first, everything was a blur of light, Then, I blinked a few times. Lizzie was sitting there. A woman stood behind her, and a lady dressed in scrubs, stood at the foot of my bed. A nurse? Maybe a doctor? I wasn't too sure.

How I got here, I did not know. The last I could remember was sitting in a cramped basement, hearing what must have been waves crashing against the ship we had sneaked on to travel to a new land. A new home.
Obviously things had not gone to plan. Were we in trouble?

Panic ensued within  my heart raced slightly, my eyes widened as I sat up. Questions tumbled out of my mouth.

"I swear, lizzie did nothing!Lizzie are you OK?"
"What happened?"
"Are you hurt?"

I must have overwhelmed them with too many questions as the lady held up her hand, halting my barrage of questions.
"Lizzie is fine. We looked her over when you first arrived and apart from being a little hungry and scared, she was fine. A Foster family is looking after her until we can determine what has happened here"
I let out a breath of relief, concern still held its ace, but at least she was not hurt, lizzie smiled in agreement.

The lady wasn't lying.

"I'm sorry"
Immediately, lizzies face becomes a picture of concern.
"I'm sorry I wasntvghere for you" guilt was consuming as I realised how much I had done. I had left lizzie, alone in a country she'd never been. I guess the positive was at least they still spoke our language. My stomach ached with grief just imagining it.
Again, the question rang through my brain.

What had I done?

Authors note
I know it's not as long as some of the others, I'm sorry!
I hope you like it!
If you did don't forget to vote or comment!

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