Chapter 17: "Ow, It Hurts"

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"Ow! Shit!" I hollered.

Davis popped his head out of my room. "I left you for one minute. What did you manage to do in the shortest interval known to mankind?"

I sighed. "Ow, it hurts. Don't scold me."

He came to the tiny kitchen and looked at the pathetic picture of me on the floor, holding my head and grimacing.

"Fuck, are you okay?" he said, coming down on his knees beside me. "What did you hit? Your head?"


I could taste blood in my mouth.

"Fuck, Jamie," he grunted. "Let me see. Stop, let me see."

I tried to swat him away but he kept persisting. "It's not a big deal."

"You're bleeding."

I rolled my eyes. "That's nothing. One time I broke my pinky finger."

"It's not nothing," he argued. "Come on, let's clean it and see if you need stitches."

"I don't want any!" I said.

He got me up and on a chair, while he wetted a cloth and gently started cleaning my wound. Shit, it hurt.

"Stop squirming, we gotta clean this out."

I glared at him.

"Okay, now, you don't need stitches but you might have a concussion. Fuck, I think we should go to the hospital."

"No!" I said. "I don't want to."

"What are you, five? Jamie, this is serious."

I sighed. "Can we just go to the clinic? I think it closes at seven."

There was some time, so Davis finished cleaning me up and told me he'd be right back. He came back with the car keys and reluctantly, I followed him to the car and yet again, we were off, but this time nowhere good. I was so stupid to think I would spend an evening out with a handsome man and not have to pay for it dearly.

Despite the dull throbbing pain, I actually felt kind of light.

Davis was focused on driving to the clinic, and there was a worried line on his forehead, which I tried to smooth out with my finger.

"Stop worrying so loud," I said. "I'm gonna be just fine."


"Thank you for the Ferris Wheel, I really loved it."

He smiled. "Me, too."

"And for everything else. You're always so good to me and I'm just... ugh, I'm not always so good to you. I suck."

"Jamie, shh, get some rest."

"You know, you're the most beautiful man I've ever seen. It was weird to see you at my dorm that first day," I kept blabbing, my head getting all buzzy.

Davis chuckled and looked at me gently. "Oh yeah? I knew you had a thing for me this whole time. The truth finally comes out."

"Mmm," I murmured. "I bet everyone loves you. Your family, friends, lots of ladies, and probably some guys too."

"Jamie, maybe you should try being quiet."

"What? Why? I enjoy talking to you. I like kissing you, too."

Davis smirked. "Not as much as I like kissing you."

We reached the clinic and Davis gently led me inside, where a super hot doctor asked some questions and did some tests with a pen, or was it a pencil. It was definitely something sharp. I think there was a light. Wait, I was getting confused, but at least Davis was there to help.

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