Chapter 19

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"Shit, Pierce!" Logan tipped my head towards him, concern flashed in his brown eyes. "Are you okay? Is she going to be okay?"

I couldn't feel anything. Which was concerning given my charred skin, exposed nerves and the wind racing over it all. Pain is what I should have felt but the only thing I could concentrate on was how I couldn't move my arm or feel the left side of my face.

"Move." Penny pushed him out of the way and hovered her hands over the burnt side of my face. "Sana," she whispered.

Warmth emanated from her fingertips. At the sensation, my body tensed and fear pulsed as I waited for the burning to resume. Instead, a trail of tingles followed as she lightly brushed over all the burns. Quietly, she repeated the word Sana (heal), over and over again moving lower until she reached my fingertips which were still wrapped around the book.

"Is that...?" she trailed off. I uncurled my fingers as she took the book and flicked through the pages.

I flexed my hand amazed that with a single word she was able to repair the damage that in most cases was irreversible without a multitude of surgeries. It all felt normal as though I hadn't just received third-degree burns a minute ago. Magic, something I was growing more fond of by the second.

However, despite feeling normal, it didn't look normal. I trailed my eyes over the angry red skin splattered between my normal olive tone. It felt tight and slightly itchy, but I refrained from scratching. Scared I would cause more harm.

"They'll get better over the next few days," Penny assured.

"So, they'll fade into my normal skin?"

Penny pursed her lips and shook her head. "If I was a healer or you still had your healing ability, then probably. But..." But I didn't have that ability anymore. I wasn't a shapeshifter. I was human. Bitterness and anger surfaced as I stared at what would be a permanent reminder of what I was.

"Um, I think we should go," Logan said. Behind us, I could faintly hear the necromancer screaming, most likely because she realised her precious book was gone.

"No," I said. We were so close, and she had taken so much from me. There was no way I was leaving while she was still alive. "We came here to kill the bitch and that's exactly what we're going to do."

"That's not going to be easy." A high-pitched scream echoed through the cemetery chilling me to my bones. Peeking past the corner I cursed as I watched skeletal creatures claw their way up through the ground. I wondered when she was going to animate these corpses. They scurried around clearly searching for us. If they weren't running around like headless chooks, they were crawling and screeching like demons.

"No. Logan's right we need to go," Penny said. I opened my mouth to argue but she pinned me with an accusatory glare. "We are out of our depth. Especially since you left out the fact you met this great saviour, or were you planning on taking that to your grave?"

Right. I forgot about that little revelation of the necromancer's. I looked down in shame. "I'm sorry."

"How do you expect us to help if you don't tell us everything upfront? What is he? What did he look like?"

"I don't know. I didn't see him, but I heard him. When you did the locator spell, I touched you and the creature that grabbed you. Something happened and I think it built some kind of telepathic connection with him at that moment. But I haven't heard him since."

She threw her hands in the air. "Seriously! He could be in your head right now! Hell, he could be controlling you right now!"

Logan stepped in front of me, positioning himself between the two of us. "I think you should calm down," Logan said.

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