Chapter Thirty Two

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Chapter Thirty- Two

I must be seeing things because there is no way she was feeling relieved about her brother's death. Anger, pain, sadness maybe even confusion but not relief.

"Look." I began to say quietly trying not to anger her, after all she was gripping my chin and I knew it wouldn't take much effort for her to seriously injure me. "I don't know your brother, I never met him."

The supposed relief I saw on her face vanished and her face was blank. "You're lying, I know you are."

I tried to shake my head but her grip was too tight. "I'm not." I whispered.

Her eyes pierced into mine and I stared back at her, trying my best not to give anything away. They say the eyes are the windows to the soul and I didn't want her looking into my soul and figuring out what we did.

"Then you must know something. You have to." Her voice and tone matched mine. "Tell me what you know."

Guilt immediately engulfed my body as her desperate words registered in my head. She was looking for her brother, her only family and I had the answers she was desperately craving. I didn't want to imagine the pain or confusion she must be feeling now.

It may sound strange to say but the anguish of losing someone and not knowing if someone is alive or dead is different. If they're dead you can start the healing process and try to move on, I'm not saying it's easy, it never is, but at least you have closure. If someone goes missing you still have hope, some may say that's a good thing because there's a chance that they're alive and safe but then you're always wondering what happened to them. Where are they? Are they alive? Will you ever see them again?

Those unanswered questions will eat away at you and even if you make peace with the fact that they might not come back, it's not definitive, there's a chance they may be alive so how can you give up?

"I'm sorry." I told her truthfully. "I'm sorry that you're hurting but I can't help you."

Teresa released her inhumane grip on my chin and I resisted the urge to rub it better. I looked away from her remembering how risky it was to make eye contact unnecessarily with a Werewolf. Some of them were very unstable and peculiar about it.

"Alessandro bought you here for a reason, he must think you had something to do with Harlan's disappearance." It didn't seem like her words were directed at me, she seemed to be speaking her thoughts out loud. "I don't understand why, you're a human child."

Child? I'm not a child, I'm 19!

I kept quiet as she muttered things to herself, every few seconds I could feel her glance at me. I thought I was in the clear when she grabbed my face again forcing me to look up at her. "I know you're lying about something, you know something about Harlan but not everything."


"Shut up." Teresa snapped at me causing me to clamp my mouth shut. "You can't have done something to Harlan, you're a human but you know something."

I remained silent as she peered at me. "Why is Alessandro keeping you here?"

Because he thinks I killed your rapist brother!

"I don't know." I shrugged, keeping my eyes down.

After a moment of silence I glanced up at her and watched as she narrowed her eyes. "Tell me, why are you here?"

"I don't know." I repeated. "You'll have to speak to him about it."

Before she could ask me anything further Stephanie barged into the room. "The Alpha is looking for you."

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