Chapter 25

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"June!" Matthew's mother immediately grabs my hands and squeezes them tightly, "I didn't expect you to come back, too – do you want cookies? I can make a pie, too."

"Cookies sounds great," I say and smile, "I hope it's okay I'm staying."

"Of course of course," she rushes back in the kitchen and starts rummaging, "Why don't you guys go and join Leonard until I'm ready? He's still watching his marathon, but don't ask me what it's about."

"Do you want to?" Matthew asks me and tilts his head, "We can go upstairs too."

"No it's fine," I say all too quickly.

Cartoon Network always sounds promising and the prospect of being alone with Matthew up in his room not so much. Not necessarily in a bad way, more in the 'oh god it's probably going to be super awkward' way.

We end up watching the whole marathon with Leonard. Matthew's mother comes and goes, bringing us cookies and drinks and we eat the quesadillas and corn cobs from the test-eating. Leonard explains the show to us, since it's actually one I don't know, and Matthew keeps on asking question after question until Leonard threatens to kick him out. I laugh quietly and nudge Matthew's side, gesturing him to calm down.

He playfully pouts, and then throws an arm around my shoulders, pulling me closer to his side. I take in a sharp breath, but manage to calm down because no stress, it's just my boyfriend, no need to freak out. It feels nice, the way I can comfortably lean against Matthew's chest, and the way he starts playing with my hair is more soothing than anything.

Leonard looks over his shoulder and makes a face. "I feel like puking."

Matthew aims a cookie at his head.

"Don't throw your food, young man," his mother calls.

"I'm sorry," Matthew says.

"June, will you stay for dinner?" Matthew's mother asks, "I made lasagna."

I'm still full of all the food we already ate, but she smiles at me and I can't say no anyway.

"I'd love to," I tell her earnestly, "It smells delicious."

Later, Matthew's mother brings us tea and it's hibiscus.

"I made your favorite, June," she says and jabs a thumb in Leonard's direction, "Go and wash your hands."

Leonard rolls his eyes and mutters something incoherent before leaving. I take a cup and look curiously at Matthew, who shrugs and acts as if it's no big deal.

"Did you tell her?" I whisper.

"Did I tell her what?" Matthew plays it dumb.

I furrow my brows, pout in his direction, and he winks at me. Then he leans down to kiss my cheek, just like that, like it's super normal to do. Leonard comes back right then and acts like he's throwing up on the couch cushions and Matthew runs to kick his ass and I stand and stare, completely stunned, but in a good way. It feels nice, being casually affective with Matthew, it definitely does.

Matthew's father joins us for dinner. He's tall, as tall as Matthew, and just as good looking, with the same broad shoulders but lighter hair and lots of wrinkles around his eyes. He wears a blue suit and shakes my hand formally, and then goes to pat Matthew's back with a laugh.

"Finally managed to find a girlfriend I see?"

Matthew looks both parts embarrassed and annoyed.

The lasagna is very good. I sit squished between Leonard and Matthew and try to eat appropriately and look nice doing so.

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