👨‍🍳 09: Flatter than Flatbread

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"What's wrong, Mr. Schneider?"

I jerk the instant a hand taps my shoulder. I do not bother turning to Austin as my eyes remain on the empty corridor.

The woman disappeared already but I have been standing there frozen for god knows how long, mouth open with gooseflesh on my skin. I still cannot comprehend how that woman's just like Mom. Or maybe it's my eyesight playing on me?

The memory of her death is ingrained in my mind so how can she be alive?

"Mr. Schneider? Shall we go?" Austin says again.

"...Yeah. By the way, feel free to call me Lucas."

"Okay, Lucas. Call me Austin, too."

"Sure, let's go."

We go directly to the hall. It didn't take a few minutes just a short distance from the main kitchen to the ballroom.

Arriving there, large crowd forms at the center. My focus directs quickly to the white-suited man beside the one wearing a completely black outfit.

Mr. Pheles and Dracula are surrounded by numerous guests yet despite the small gaps in between, our gazes crash.

He raises his wineglass with a slant on his lips. From that small gesture, I can feel another pair of eyes on me.

Lines form on Dracula's forehead while staring in my direction. He leans on Mr. Pheles and the two resume their attention on the other guests.

"Mr. Schneider, Mr. Hudson, good evening." The raven curls are set down to her shoulders. It took me a moment to realize it is Mrs. Gothel.

"Good evening," we greet simultaneously.

"I'll be excusing Mr. Hudson, Mr. Schneider. I hope you won't mind," she states.

"No worries."

The two left as I decided to roam around.

Only to regret it right away.

The disturbing crunch of bones fills my ears. Blood smears their mouth and their hands singlehandedly tear the fresh meat apart. The smell of blood becomes intense that I step back, preventing myself from throwing up.

Fvck it! They're really eating it!

Out of sight, out of mind, they say. But this view will live in my memory forever at this point.

My stomach badly wants to hurl, but I can't take my eyes off them.

They're the only table that's eating while others socialize. One of them must've felt my stare. His dog ears perk up and he darts toward me.

He flashes his blood-stained teeth and signals me to join them. I simply offer a polite smile as I can while signaling my refusal.

Hell no will I join their group. I'm not that crazy yet.

But, he might have misunderstood it when he stands up.

Should I run away or stay? 

While I'm stuck in making a choice, the half-animal man slowly morphs. The long noose that resembles a dog transforms into more of a human and those ears disappear. The closer he is, the more familiar he becomes.

"Greetings, Mr. Schneider. Long time no see."

The blood already vanishes, making way for the jagged teeth that peek when he speaks. It suddenly clicks and I recall this might be the guard when I first came here.


"Allow me to introduce myself, Mr. Schneider. I am Wolf. I'd like to apologize for the last time. I have not known you are an important guest. I didn't even know you are Mr. Muller's son—"

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