Chapter 17 - Finally

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Chapter Song: I Hear a Symphony by Cody Fry

If I was told I could have any practical superpower, it would be to eat whatever I want and not gain weight. Honestly, eating carbs every day of my life without consequence sounds like a very good deal.

The first thing I do when I walk into a restaurant is look to see if there is complimentary bread on the tables.

If I had the patience and will to work out every day, I would eat bread and pasta every day. But I don't.

Now that it's the middle of summer, it is hot.

California somehow always gets that dead heat that makes one want to move to Alaska just for a break from the heat.

When I saw that today's high was 103 degrees, I debated booking a flight to Alaska myself. The heat was so intolerable that I woke up in my oven of an apartment at six am. I really should get my AC fixed, but that costs money I would rather spend on concert tickets. It can wait.

When it comes to activities I am capable of doing, I am simply incapable of most. In an effort to problem solve and not complain without offering a solution, I've started a list of places I can go to cool off. Arcades will be packed and there aren't any good movies out, so there goes those options. If I had any coordination, I would go ice skating. Unfortunately, I would most likely end up impaling myself with my skates when I inevitably fall.

If only the universe would give me a break and let me enjoy a cold activity that won't end in a trip to the hospital.


Michael 🦇: Hey
Michael 🦇: Do you want to go to the beach today?
Me: Fuck yes
Me: It's too hot
Michael 🦇: Cool
Michael 🦇: We'll, not really, but you know what I mean
Michael 🦇: I'll pick you up at 8?
Me: Sounds like a plan Batman

I could practically see him shaking his head at his phone.

Things have been good between us, better even. It feels almost as if there's an unspoken deeper understanding between the two of us. I think we have something special. I don't know why, I just have a feeling.



I have to wear a bikini.

I'm broke and lazy so the only bathing suit I own is a bikini I bought two years ago.

It's a cute bikini though. It's midnight blue with a silver sparkle woven into the top that makes it look like stars.

What if I don't look good in it? What if I've gained weight and now the bikini makes me look fat? I was not expecting a mental breakdown this morning.  What if he doesn't think I look good? However irrational it may sound, what if this is an automatic turn off for him and he decides that I'm not worth it?

I'll deal with that later. For now, I need to finish getting ready because Michael will be here any minute and I haven't eaten or put something on or-

Knock knock knock.

Shit. Okay.

"One second!"

I run to my closet and grab a sundress to go over my bikini and I put on my sandals. I may have used a little too much strength to open my front door because it flew open. I stumbled back a step to account for the kick back.

Michael was staring at me with wide eyes, shock and confusion blending into quite possibly the funniest expression he's worn. In all honesty, he looked like a startled puppy.

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