Part 9

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Alyssa's Pov:

It’s been 3 days since meeting him. He hasn’t shown up in the cafe, making me and the others feel more at ease. The last 2days were hectic as all of us including the shops owner were literally on our toes, fearing when he might show up. Catherine came rushing right after she got to know about the incident. And she has been staying in the cafe since.

But now it feels like he really was just joking around and it lifted a huge weight off my chest. I went to school but found out Rae is skipping school today. She said she found a haunted house near the city and she's gonna explore it. I asked why not go at night? But she told me she values her life and night time is too risky. And her skipping school isn’t risky? Where's her logic? She just said goodbye and dipped. Typical Rae.

I just hoped I didn’t see Damien today.  But luck wasn't on my side. There he stood with his minions in the hallway.
**Flash back **

Damien was the son of the schools principle. I first met him during my sophomore year, we shared a few classes together. Some of the guys would try to talk to me, but me being my timid and socially awkward self, I would cower down in my chair and just answer them as much as possible in a meekly voice. Oh how I wished I was a little bit braver.

Some guys would ask me out, it was really hard for me to say no. Still I somehow managed to tell them all of. But there was this one guy, Lucas. He was one of the jocks and was in the football team. He just wouldn’t take a hint, he didn’t like it that I rejected him. He started threatening me at one point. I was scared. Fortunately Rae was there to help me.

She had some good connections, like really good ones. No one knew how she got them, she just did.  Lucas knew he couldn’t mess with her. But one day when she was absent, he literally pulled me inside the school's basement after school. I had assignments to do, so I was in the library and left late. He had been waiting for me outside the school.

He pushed me on the ground,  I tried to get up but he punched me. I felt  metallic taste in my mouth, i was bleeding. He locked the basement from inside.

"Bitch, you thought you could get away with insulting me? You think you're so hot and mighty. I told you I'll be coming for you" he looked crazy..

Hovering over me he started ripping off my shirt and then started pulling off his own shirt. I screamed while his filthy mouth started to ravage my body. But it was already late, there might be no one around the school and that made me cry more in agony. Suddenly I heard loud bangs on the doors and after a while it burst open with a loud sound. Someone had come to save me. I internally thanked the lord. Lucas was pulled off of me.

I squinted my eyes which were filled with tears to see who it was. It was Damien. He fought with Lucas throwing him on the ground and warned him not to mess with me again or he'll get Lucas expelled. Lucas just walked out of there. Damien then covered me with his shirt and took care of me. He had saved me and was the gentlest person I had ever met.

He became an angel in my eyes and we started to hang out more. I started to have feelings for him. He was my first love. But it all started to change after he became the football team's captain. He started being distant, I would always wait for him in the bleachers, watch his every game, but he would barely even acknowledge me.. His  behavior started to become rough and he also started to bully people.

But he would always be caring and soft around Rebecca,  the school's queen bee. She was sweet, cute, sexy, confident. Everything I never was. He would give her full attention whenever she talked, while he would just shrug me off. It hurt, It stung.

I finally did manage to express my feelings towards him. Although I already knew the answer,  I just wanted to get it off my chest. Plus, there was a tiny corner in my heart that hoped he would somehow like me back .. I thought, at highest he'd reject me. But.. He didn’t just reject me, he looked disgusted at my confession.  I remember his words like it was yesterday.

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