The Gift

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He'd not thought much about what Martin said, beyond Martin's words coinciding with Martin's loss of memories from his battle with Tsarmina. Martin, after all, couldn't possibly have that gift he'd only ever heard about.

Only, Martin said something else a moment later that his friend also didn't remember saying, while openly declaring to the poor mousemaid who'd definitely taken a shine to his friend was somewhat taken aback by his declaration that he didn't have such a gift.

And, Timballisto found it odd that someone would be so quick to declare something, particularly when nobody around him had yet brought up the gift beyond the fact that what he said was almost as if he knew it would happen. "He could, after all, have just said it was a mere coincidence. He didn't have to get every beast thinking there's more to it than that."

What worried him even more was how candidly Martin talked about such a gift as if predicting the future wasn't some foreign concept only heard about in folktales passed down through generations. To Martin, being able to predict the future was an actual reality—a reality Martin didn't want for himself, yet the way Bella approached them—

Martin can predict the future was actual reality, which left an unsettling feeling in Timballisto's gut. He followed the Badger Mother to her dorm room, thankful that Dinny and Gonff had made their way over, meaning they weren't alone in her room.

Stepping into her room, the first thing any good creature would notice was the scale of her furniture. As a badger, Bella needed larger furniture than the furniture other creatures would need, yet somehow they'd managed to squeeze not only a bed the size she needed into the room but an overstuffed chair.

"We should have finished this dorm wing first," Martin had said the other day. "It's where the infirmary will be located, but also Bella's room near the Dibbun dorm. That's on the top floor, as Dibbun have a lot of energy."

Yet building the lower level of the second dorm took precedence as they'd not yet made the equipment that would allow them to start in on the upper levels despite Martin having drawn clear-cut plans for such instruments, almost as if he'd seen them before. Which, Timballisto suspected that was a part of his past that Martin didn't want to talk about—couldn't talk about.

"It's as if he said what he did, knowing even then...." Timballisto shook his head, catching sight of Bella lifting Martin into a vast stuffed chair that engulfed the young mouse, albeit he didn't care that it did. Bella sat on the edge of the bed while Gonff climbed up next to Martin and pretended to nap.

"So, I suspect you don't remember what you said?"

"No. Sorry." Martin was worrying his bottom lip, almost waiting for Bella to drop the bombshell.

"T.B.? You were next to Martin." And yet, he found himself standing there, unable to open his mouth, his mind still struggling with the idea of Martin being able to predict things. Martin, after all, insisted he didn't have the gift.

"Martin said he doesn't have the gift."

"Well, that's doubtful," Bella said.

"Because of what I said?" Martin said, fidgetting while Gonff continued taking a nap, although Dinny was now squeezing in between them so he could pat Martin on the back. "I don't want that gift."

"Martin, from what you've told me, you're the only creature who isn't a badger to be listed upon Salamandastron's walls. Do you understand the significance of that?"

Timballisto watched Martin glance away as if he knew the significance. Bella shifted on her bed. "I thought so."

And he let out a sigh. "Okay. So, I'm a bit lost here."

"So am I, to be honest," Gonff said in response."

"Burr aye," Dinny said.

"Are you aware that Martin is afflicted with the Bloodwrath?"

"Aye. Like Luke before him. What of it?"

"That would be one of the traits Martin shares with the Badger Lords of Salamandastron, but that's not the only thing."

"Yeah. Martin fights like a Badger as well," Gonff laughed. "Only mouse to..."

Dinny elbowed Gonff, shaking his head. Martin glanced away. Bella let out a rumbling laugh. "I was referring to the fact Badger Lords are also seers. That's how a previous Badger Lord predicted Martin would come to Salamandastron."

"And how Boar predicted his death," Martin muttered.

"Which would explain why he said the gift was one he didn't want." Timballisto took a deep breath. "And so you want to know what he said because he didn't remember?"

A knock came at the door. Gonff slid from the overstuffed chair and hurried over to the door, allowing Abbess Germaine to step in. "I hope I'm not too late for this conversation, Bella."

"Oh no. You're not."

"I'm so sorry," Martin said, looking at her. "I didn't want this."

"I know. But that's why remembering what you said is important."

Timballisto stiffened. "You know as well? About this Badger Lord stuff?"

"Yes. It is something Bella and I have discussed. In particular, she'd always been interested in what Martin said about Boar, knowing he would be arriving. But right now..." The abbess headed over to a footstool and sat down, smiling.

"So, T.B., do you remember exactly what he said. It is important."

"What he said—he said something like bewaring the breaking of laughter, blight being called forth. And then a flower that we need, but we need to travel North to get it. But..."

"Then let's go," Martin said. "If they need..."

"Stop." Abbess Germaine held up her hand. "You are going nowhere, as you've still not fully recovered. Plus, those instructions are quite vague, young mouse. I'll look in my notes to see what I can find, but there are others capable of making the journey, though I know where your heart lies."

"Why don't you stay the night here, in my chair Martin?" Bella asked, making Timballisto flinch as he thought of Martin's reoccurring nightmare that he couldn't remember.

"So that I not go off and do something on my own?"

"Well, since you put in that way, I think it's a brilliant idea," Abbess Germaine glanced at Timballisto. "And he'll be fine." She then looked at him, as if thinking, before saying, "Why don't you come and help me look through my books to see if you can't help me? Columbine is taking in symptoms, but it might take a bit of time to figure out exactly what plant we need to cure this."

Timballisto followed after, sighing. "My attention span isn't much better than Martin's is when it comes to books."

"But you can read?"

"Aye. I'd say I like it even less than he."

"But you're not as restless as he is, which I guess comes with age," the abbess said. "And, it's obvious you're worried about him. The nightmares?"

"Columbine said something similar. And yes. I am worried about them."

"Bella is also aware, but eventually..."

"I know. I know. He's going to find out soon."

"The real reason I asked you to come was to distract you from worrying about Martin and keep a mischievous mousethief who would prove quite distracting."

"Ah. Yes. Gonff would follow Martin, wouldn't he?"

"Most definitely." The abbess smiled, though there was a definite sadness in her eyes. "And he knows better than to bother Columbine when she's with patients."

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