25. Seducer

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Flopping down the phone, you groan in misery.

Each second seemed to look longer and you were becoming impatient. You wanted to see Jungkook and he was nowhere around.

"You wanna drink more?" Hobi who was sitting right beside you asked clinking his glass with you.

You nod, "I'll take one more"

"You sure?" He asks again before ordering the drink for you. You drank two glasses already and nothing could go wrong with taking one more. You were getting bored, might as well spend time tasting something you never tried for a long time.

"Yeah, I'm sure" You reply, placing one leg over the other and leaning with your elbows against the counter.

You would get easily get drunk but today you seemed to look fine. And the alcohol was hitting you right at your throat. You were in no good mood, so many things happened in one night, and you weren't able to digest them all together.

Your fight with Loverboy, your embarrassment in front of Jennie and Rosé on not knowing about the guy Jimin who was Jungkook's best friend. Crying and looking like a literal clown in front of handsome Jin, getting targeted by Somi, Lisa coming late and getting into an accident with none other than Taehyung and lastly you not being able to see Jungkook yet.

But that wasn't the reason anymore, you seemed to be fine about it, Jin and Hobi helped you feel better. The drink was hitting you well, after all, it was Hobi who was choosing the drink for you.

"Here" he forwarded his glass to you, "Thanks" Taking it from him, you tilt your glass sideways clinking the ice on the glass and drinking it in one go.

"Ughh" You let out another groan after sipping the drink.

Lifting your dress a bit, you let the air conditioning hit your sweaty legs. "I'm sweating" you shove your hair at the back of your shoulder letting the air hit your neck and collarbone as you suddenly started feeling sweaty.

"Are you seducing me?" Hobi asks chuckling, whirling your chair towards the counter so that you don't showcase yourself to everyone sitting in front of you.

Turning to look at him, you lay your head on the cold counter, "No, but do I look like I am?"

"Precisely to everyone" He slides the bottle away as you were going to pick it up to fill your glass, "Wait, why did you do that?" You frown getting up, as he nods, "Didn't you say you had less alcohol tolerance?"

"No, I'm fine. I'll know when to stop." You take the bottle from his hands and fill in your glass, "Well, okay" he withdraws his hands away, and at that moment you see Jungkook approaching you both with everyone coming along with him.

"Oh, where were you all?" Hobi fills his drink as all of them surrounded your seats.

"Jimin needed some dressing" Jungkook stayed still meeting his eyes with yours as someone from behind answered.

Yes, you were busy looking at him to even focus on anyone speaking.

"Where's Taehyung though? He's taking longer than I expected him to" Jungkook asks leaning against the bar and filling a glass for himself too not noticing your gaze on him.

"He will be here soon" You answered looking to your right, where Jungkook stood.

Everyone turned to look at you, surprised. "Oh, he got indulged in some accident with my best friend. They'll arrive soon" You said slowly coming to your senses and adjusting your dress, pushing your curly hair in the front that was now covering your collar bones.

"ACCIDENT?" All of them blurted in surprise as you blinked standing straight, "No, they're fine. There was just a minor scratch on the car" You shook your head losing your dizziness, now actually meeting everyone's eyes.

"Ah" They sighed in relief.

"Oh, you all are here!" You see Jia and Rosé approaching the crowd gathered around you all, "Y/n, you're here too," Rosé said as you smiled, "Yeah."

"Let's sit there together" Jia proposes as Rosé comes to take you, "Let's go"

Agreeing, everyone walks towards a big sofa in the room as all the lamps switched to dark mode as neon lights light up the mansion. It was no more looking like a house but a club.

"Wow," You see Somi joining everyone, looking at the room in full awe,

"Here babe" Yoongi calls her as she tiptoes toward him in her pencil heels, "It's euphoric," Somi compliments looking around the lights and admiring her surroundings.

"Thanks" Jungkook replies with a smile, now scooting closer to Rosè as she was nudging him away cringing.

"Oh, and I forgot to introduce you," Jin takes your attention, bending forward, "Meet him" He points you at a black-haired guy with fair skin, who was sitting next to him in an all-black outfit with few of his buttons undone, his black hair falling on his eyebrows neatly and his pulp lips forming a smile right after.

"Park Jimin"



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