Chapter 3

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Chapter Three


Fitz stared at Lady Gisela, hand reaching into his pocket that once held the goblin star that he'd thrown at Biana. Lady Gisela smiled. "Oh, Fitz. Fitz, Fitz, Fitz. You wouldn't, would you?"

Fitz's hand grew slack on the dagger he had been gripping. "I would," He said, his voice shaking.

"No, you wouldn't." Lady Gisela walked closer, her feet barely touching the floor. "I know you feel bad." Lady Gisela's voice softened. "I know you feel uncontrollable, broken, sad. But if you join us. . . you'll be okay. And, Fitz, you'll get revenge. From Sophie. From Keefe. From everyone. Revenge, isn't that what you want?"

Fitz's breath stopped, Lady Gisela's words swirling in his head. I know you feel bad. I know you feel uncontrollable, broken, sad. But if you join us. . . you'll be okay. And, Fitz, you'll get revenge. From Sophie. From Keefe. From everyone. Revenge, isn't that what you want?

Fitz opened his mouth to give Lady Gisela a threat, but, instead, he said, "What do you want me for?"

Lady Gisela smiled. She knew she had him where she wanted him. "I need you to destroy Team Valiant. I need you to put us—the Neverseen—in the lead. I need you to get Sophie out of the way."

"What is the cost of revenge?" Fitz blurted out. Part of his brain told him that Sophie wouldn't like this, but the other part said that Sophie had left him, and why should he care, because it wasn't like Sophie had stuck with him through everything—now she was leaving him for dumb, stupid Keefe. Fitz took deep breaths, and stared at Lady Gisela.

Lady Gisela replied, "The cost of revenge is your help. Your joining the Neverseen. You would be a valuable member. We will appreciate you more than how your friends do."

Fitz's grip loosened on the dagger. He thought about the offer for a while. "No," He finally said, "I'm not joining you. Don't ask again."

Lady Gisela smiled, and she said, "Okay. But think about it. We'll come back later. Inferno?"

The other cloaked figure held out their hands, and twin flames hovered over their hands. Inferno waved their hands, making a ring of fire in the air, just big enough for Lady Gisela and Inferno to fit in. Before stepping into the ring of fire, Lady Gisela pressed a flat black circle with a white eye in the middle - the Neverseen's symbol - into Fitz's hands. "Think about it," She whispered, then stepped into the fire-ring, with Inferno behind her. As Inferno stepped through, the fire-ring disappeared, the only trace that the Neverseen were there at all, was Fitz's memory, and the circular chip they had left him.

Fitz collapsed on his bed, staring at the chip. His fingers traced the edges as he thought about Lady Gisela's offer.

Fitz turned around, taking his stained-glass lamp off the table. Prying a tiny circle off at the bottom, he emptied the contents into his palm. A marble that Fitz had found in the Forbidden Cities, a nickel that Fitz had also found in the Forbidden Cities, and a tiny silver alicorn Sophie had given him. He gripped the alicorn tightly into his palm, then threw it into a box a few feet away. He then took the marble and the nickel and shoved it into his desk, then walked back over to the lamp and the Neverseen's black circle.

He took the chip and inserted it into the bottom of the lamp, wondering what on Earth was he doing. Then he took the tiny glass circle that was on the lamp, and pressed it back in place, hiding the tiny black chip with the white eye. Fitz took a deep breath, looked around, then set the lamp back onto his desk.

He then went into bed, and fell asleep, troubling thoughts drifting through his head.


Fitz woke up to Biana's suspicious voice.

"What is this?" She shrieked accusingly, holding up the Neverseen chip.

"Um, um," Fitz stammered, thinking as fast as he could, "it's the eye thingy—you know, that human superstition that the evil eye makes bad luck go away? I thought... I thought that we needed all the good luck we could get."

Biana looked skeptical. "Really? So it's just by coincidence that it looks like the Neverseen symbol?"

"Um, yeah. It... all the evil eye charms have that," Fitz lied.

Biana seemed as if she didn't believe him, but she nodded and said, "Okay. But you know it's silly, right?"

"Yes." Inwardly, Fitz sighed with relief.

"O-kay then." Biana tossed Fitz the black circle back, and left the room, leaving Fitz breathing heavily and holding the circle to his chest.

He didn't even know why he kept it, anyway. He knew he should've thrown it away at first chance, but something stopped him. Maybe it was what Gisela had said. Maybe it was that tiny dark part inside him that brightened up at the fact of revenge. The dark part of him that told him to contact the Neverseen, to join them. But he wouldn't betray his friends like that. He wasn't that type of person! Besides, what would Sophie think of him?

But Sophie doesn't need you anymore, the dark part of his heart whispered, she's got someone else. Keefe. They betrayed you, Fitz! So why do you still care about them? They obviously don't care about you.

Fitz's consciousness fought back. They are my friends! They trust me. They know how I feel. I should at least understand how they feel too. I want them to be happy. And they want me to be happy. They care about me. More than the Neverseen has. They tried to kill me!

The evil part of him replied, But that was when you were with Sophie. Fitz, don't you see? Your so-called friends are holding you back. They are afraid of you. Your sister's afraid of you. Because of Sophie and Keefe. Join the Neverseen, Fitz, and your life will get better. You want revenge, right? Sophie and Keefe broke your heart. They shattered it to pieces, leaving you helpless. Your family and friends didn't come to comfort you when you needed it. You call that caring? But the Neverseen came. They offered you a new start. A chance. Take it, Fitz, and you will be happy.

Fitz hesitated. The dark part of his heart had hit a nerve. It had lodged itself into his brain like a worm. He did want revenge. His friends and family... maybe they did betray him. They did leave him broken....

Fitz's face turned to stone as he thought more about the people who he thought loved him. His family and his friends had abandoned him when he needed their help. That wasn't caring. They never cared about him. Biana just teased him and tormented him. Sophie played with his emotions like he was a toy. Keefe forgot about him and charmed Sophie, Fitz's crush, away. Alden and Della mocked him. Tam, Linh, Marella, and everyone else challenged him and tortured him with their words. Why should he care about them? No, he found that he didn't need—or want—to. Maybe the Neverseen was the perfect place for him after all.

Fitz's teal eyes turned icy. Then, with no doubt in his mind about where he wanted to be, he lifted the Neverseen disk to his mouth and whispered, "I'm ready."

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