Chapter 2

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The woman looked up and her eyes widened when she saw Y/N staring at her.

"Y/N! It's me! Sophie!"

Y/N's eyes widened to the size of dinner plates. "Sophie! What on earth happened to you? I left for only three minutes and yet you somehow turned into..." She gestured to Sophie's changed form. 

Sophie tried to get the words out but found that she was unable to. Truly, the Witch of the Waste had done a splendid job of rendering her unable to tell anyone about the curse. She took a few steps forward and flinched at the pain in her back.

"Are you all right," Y/N asked, rushing over to her friend and helping her to walk. "I'm suddenly glad that I decided to stick around. At least now you have someone to help you."

"So this isn't a dream," Sophie muttered.

"No, Sophie. I'm afraid that it's not. But I shall stick around and aid you in whatever I can until you are better. Now, let's get you to bed." 

Y/N led Sophie to the house and helped her up the stairs, tucking her into bed.

Before she left, however, Y/N turned back. "Sophie? I hope you don't mind me asking, but do you have some parchment and a pen that I can use? I was hoping to send my family a letter."

Sophie smiled. "Of course. In my desk, there should be what you need, along with a candle that you can use for light."

"Thank you, Sophie," Y/N said softly. "Don't be scared to call me if you need anything, all right? Goodnight."

"Goodnight, Y/N," Sophie said, yawning as Y/N shut the door.

'What on earth happened to her,' Y/N thought to herself as she entered her room. She lit the candle with some matches from the small bag that she had brought with her and placed it on the candlestick on the desk. Then, she set to writing.

Hello Mother. Father. And of course, dearest Lonnie.

I hope this letter finds you well. I have just arrived in Market Chipping today, and have already made a new friend. Sophie Hatter. She helped me find the most beautiful hat that I have ever owned, and I do believe that I might treasure it forever, should the weather and seasons favour it. Her younger sister Lettie works at the bakery in town, and she is just as sweet as Sophie. I think I might stay here for a while longer. It is so beautiful here, I wish you could see it.

The bad news is that there has been a lot of talk lately about witches and wizards and war. I fear that the world might be heading to disaster. Mother, Father, did you know about the Wizard Howl and the Witch of the Waste? They are the talk of the town lately. Just today I saw Howl's castle up in the mountains. True, I was unable to see much of it, as it was quite far off, but I find it so fascinating that I am now in a world with witches and wizards. 

There is a part of me that misses our sweet little home and dearest Charlie. I do wish I could have brought him with me along on my travels. He would have given me something to remember home by, besides the small trinkets that you all gave me. Stay safe!

Lots of love and kisses,

Your daughter, Y/N

Y/N folded up the parchment and slipped it into an envelope and sealed it with her little wax seal set that she always brought with her. She decided that she would send the letter off until the following day, feeling uncomfortable with the idea of leaving after she had just witnessed her friend be transformed into an elderly woman. So, she just changed into her somewhat dirty nightgown and climbed into bed.

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