16 | Trying

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Pure fluff for some of this chapter and especially the next! Can't wait for y'all to read it!

Thank you for 15.2k reads!

Update: now 315,000 :,)


Over the next two weeks or so, everything was pretty much smooth sailing for the newly married couple. They've been respectful of each other's boundaries, but Poise couldn't help but notice her feelings grow for Kyros. This marriage was more so a contract to keep her safe on this planet, but... what if it was more?

She could tell Kyros wanted it to be more, but he never pushed her. He just made more of an effort. He'd bring back different plants and flowers to the house, take her on dates by the small ocean, brought her outside more because he knew it made her happy, and much more.

Posie's also held up her end of the deal, attending bonfires and getting to know the community a little more.

Kyros had given the task to some of the men to duplicate the translation books so others can learn English, and in return, she's starting to learn a little of his language. So far, his people couldn't say much more than a greeting to her, but Kyros has had no problem translating for her. They're both happy that some of his people even attempt to talk civilly with her.

The children in particular adore her. They've missed out of having a mother-like figure and everyone can already see the benefit. The boys are more gentle with her, mind their manners, are more affectionate, and so on.

Tonight was another bonfire, and Kyros and Posie came down from their home, a grin on both of their lips.
Others watched as she came around the corner, smiling, with Kyros contently trailing her steps.

They couldn't help but notice it was always like this. At important events or dinners, Posie was situated right beside him. But when they were just husband and wife- not king and queen- he followed her everywhere.

"My queen," Crid greeted with a mocking small bow.
Crid and Vehmon were a tad more advanced with their English.

She rolled her eyes and playfully shoved him away from her. "Oh, stop it." She chuckled, making him laugh along with her.

Vehmon appeared behind him and waved shyly. "Vehmon have caught dinner." He announced, proudly, and presented her with her dinner squealing in his hold. "I make fire."

She smiled through her cringe. She still hadn't gotten used to seeing the creature alive before she ate it. "Umm, thank you."

He grinned and took off to cook the meat.

"Ni King," an older Centaur greeted in his language, his fist on his chest as he bowed. "Nui Y fubo u quelja?"

Kyros sent Posie an apologetic glance, one he normally gave when someone asked to speak with him privately, but also one of worry. He wasn't overly fond of leaving her by herself, despite Vehmon and Crid being with her.

She didn't know of the centaurs name, nor what he said, but she knew he was an elder- an important person in his world. Which meant whatever he wanted to pull Kyros aside for might not be a great thing.

"Go on," she reassured him. "I'll be over there." She told him and followed Crid to the fire.

Kyros watched as she left before directing his gaze to the centaur once again. "Let's make it quick."

The meeting was rather quick, but brutal all in the same. He had to find someway to break the news to Posie later, but for now, he wanted to enjoy the night with her.

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