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MARNER_93 posted a story!

MARNER_93 posted a story!

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liked by sophiemarner, titobeauvi91, n_dobson, and 237,109 others

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liked by sophiemarner, titobeauvi91, n_dobson, and 237,109 others.

barzal97 got a cute toronto tour guide

tagged sophiemarner

sophiemarner cheesy cheesy man

user this is my last straw


user noah 😭

titobeauvi91 ooh that's where you were last night


user tito spilled the tea

user WHAT

user no i change my mind. this. this. is my last straw

titobeauvi91 sorry...about that...

user you see how they never directly show each other's faces. respect.

sydneyemartin aww cuties

justinbieber my ship is very alive and well rn

tseguin92 does this mean you won't flirt with me anymore? i will miss it
         — sophiemarner that will never change 😉

SOPHIEMARNER posted a story!

_______ SOPHIEMARNER posted a story!

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For the past two days, Mat and I have been spending every second of the day together. Walking all around Toronto, getting Tim's multiple times a day, as I promised.

The rest of the Islanders already went to L.A for their next game but Mat bought a ticket already and it promised to be there in time. (a: let's pretend this would be allowed ;))

It was perfect, it was the two of us for the most part. Auston, Mitch, Will, and Morgan decided to join us for one night out. It ended with an interesting time of all of us drunk and doing dumb shit:

"We have to cross the road!" Mitch yelled while gripping my hand.

"We are going to get run over," Willy cried while hugging the lamp post. I went over and peeled him off of it knowing there are probably a million diseases on that post. He immediately clung to me.

Mat looked over at me and started to loudly laugh, "Even when you are drunk you have mom mode," He said pointing to both Mitch and Willy clinging to me as their life depended on it.

He stops laughing all of the sudden and stomps over to us. He comes behind me and snakes his arms around my waist while burying his head into my hair.

"You're mine," He whines.

I chuckle. "You're a clingy drunk, I see."

"He was mine first," Mitch yelled. He shoved Mat off me. "My sister."

Willy remains unbothered sleeping on my shoulder.

I pull out my phone and go to call 'steph 💞"

"How drunk are you guys?"

"Steph! Steph please be my savior! Help me!"

"Where are you guys?" She asks.

I look up to the street name, "Uhh I think that says Cherry St,"

"Okay, I am on my way."

"I love you Stephhh," I exclaim.

I looked around. Mitch was basically sitting in my lap, Will was asleep on my shoulder, Mat was sitting behind me looking like a kicked puppy dog. Auston and Mo were nowhere to be seen. I panic slightly.

"Auston Taylour Matthews, Morgan Frederik Rielly! Where are you?!" I yell.

"Mom, I am not going to school!" I heard somebody yell behind us.

I look back and see Auston and Mo laying on the ground with their arms linked.

I nod to myself, knowing we are all alive and accountable.

Mat scoots behind me and I put my back on his chest and tilt my head up to look him in the face.

"You're so amazing," He says softly. I giggle.

"Clingy and affectionate drunk."

"No, Sophie, I am so serious. You are amazing. You're just you and I can't help but love you for every second you live."

"Mat," I whisper, getting teared up. "God, I don't know if I could live without you."

He just softly smiled and kissed my forehead.

Neither Sophie nor Mat remembered this exchange but, gladly somebody did.

"Mat," Auston yelled. "Don't let her fool you into her trickeries, she is a demon! A demon!"

I softly removed Mat's arms around me and put both Willy's and Mitch's heads onto his legs. He looked at me confused.

I popped up and ran over to where Auston and Mo were laying down and jumped on Auston. He started squirming around yelling at me. While, Morgan sat there intensely staring at us, not moving.

"You bitch, what the fuck are you doing? You psycho!"

Familiar big arms came around me and pulled me off of Auston. I giggled as Auston kept rolling around bitching and moaning.

Steph pulled up and got out of her car. Staring at the scene in front of her. Mitch and William sleeping on the ground, Mo staring at Auston yelling. Mat holding me back while manically laughing.

"What the fuck," She mumbled before grabbing Mitch up first.

Mat opened the back door and softly set me down then went back to get the rest of the guys.

A few moments later, we were all in the car, all of us half asleep.

My head was on Mat's shoulder while he stroked my thigh. I picked up my head groggily and kissed Mat on the cheek.

"I love you," I whispered before putting my head back and falling asleep.

Steph was looking at us the entire time in the mirror. They're going to last, she thought with a small smile.

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